It's a pleasant day. *i think* xp
Started off a raining morning. Heavy. Rain. =.= Luckily I bring my jacket to school. Or not I'll suffer from cold and cough x] Bless me~~~ Hmmm.. Yea I was suppose to be piss this morning, but who care I lazy to diu them ady.
Tuesday after school went Mid Valley with Andz, Huilyn, Wen, Angie & mii. Walk arpund brought a few stuff.. Helped my mom with her things. Kap zhai a little then we settle down at our last stop of the day at Steven's Tea Garden.
Wednesday after school went back field. It's not a fight thingy, just to show bravery & face. The girl's fght between form3 & form5. So you think is F5 bully small tiny kids la?? If you're thinking of that. Then you're wrong. x] Contact to me if you wanna know more. I'm lazy to type everything out. And I want to sleep~!! Anyway as you can see there is one photo up there, a police car at back field x] Luckily ''tai kor'' Andz, settled things with just talking. My whole class went to KPC. Not afraid to say, I'm there because I'm worried of my girl friends. x) During they're settling things.. Somebody called my phone.. So worried bout me... Wanted to get out of college and fetch me home straight away. =/ Talk on the phone till I reach my house's gate. So protective. -.- *insert name* don't want me to get into troubles.. As though I will.. Lol. x]
After that about 2:30pm I should be going P's house then go Ou one.. But some other thing occur so postpone to 3:30pm. My mom con me! Say bring me go sit car jalan jalan tim zhi is go fetch my dad, then go DJ *outside Atria KFC* see the shop, whether to buy or not. *Myfamily is going to start a new business! Selling chinese food =] I don't like the shop. Rental per month RM3K++ and!! The ceiling is damn low, papan on top also look like it's gonna fall anytime =.= I was lao gai-ing with my mom force her to fetch me to P's house right away. And stupid my lao gai was too lousy......... =.='' It's 3:15pm!! Appointment at 3pm that asshole came at 3:17pm WTH how to do business oh??!!! After seeing then pass to my aunt to make decision. My dad still slowly drive to Ou, drop him ady then have to take a document back to DJ main office. After that only can go P's house. I'm veyr angry in the car. xP Mom's fault ................. blek~!!! Reach her house at 4pm =..= Wen bu shuang liao........
Reach Ou first thing.. Pool!!!! xD cause got leng zhai so we play first only eat x] No result la.. just the fun of it only.... But! I saw Alvis & Janet.. My ex-co-worker :) Nandos was the lunch, Groove is the side orders, Zenmai is the desert x] I went Groove to take a letter and everyone what maing a hoo-haa on Chee How & I =.= lmao~~~~ I like my strawberry thingy at Zenmai!! Got corn flakes inside one xD Before Zenmai we went in quite a number of butik to try on cloths.. Sadly I didn't have the mood to try on.. x] Once after visiting Groove then no mood.. Don't know it's because of lack of sleep, my phone, atmosphere or just like that..... =.= Girls are very difficult to understand. Zhong zhi the whole is eat drink eat drink.. x]
Anyway~ *the main point* Tuesday night I came home late & it's during raining. Yea it's tuesday. I was half wet when I get into the car T.T Ermm... I was stunning at what just happen once I touch down the ground off the car, in front of my house. =.= *insert name* came straight up in front of me with a assistance holding the umbrella and *insert name* holding a towel. Big, thick, white towel. Rolled me up like sushi and rushes me into the house quickly. A glass of warm water was offered when i settled down. I was called to take a hot bath straight away, and I took an hour plus to end that bath. The whole week, every night when I was sick *insert name* took good care of me. Well *insert name* is doing more then he is to do. Very curious too, *insert name* I feel like *insert name* is just not like *insert name* these few days. I think I'll talk about ** till here ba.. =)
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