This is last-last-last Thursday's photo
I met Huilyn, Hui Xian and her friend at PM that evening
While we're walking pass Kayu.. I spot this group of people in white across the road
Huilyn dared me and Xian to get all their signatures
10 bugs won~!!
I found others songs too.. Still working on it.. x]
If you're lucky.. I might play it for you

This is the next day.. Sunday~ Went back hometown for Grandma's 1st anniversary prayers.. and..... I left my history note book back in there.. =.= both of them.. So how? Die lo.. No book till someone go back and bring it down.. Haha g~g~
Then we had our dinner at Steven's Tea Garden belajar-ed by a friend of Amy from Penang..
Bill came out RM126.50 glup~
Today is Friday 17th April 2009
I'm absent in school~ xP sue me.. Haha woke up at 1:40pm++ and Menn called zillion time.. I totally forgotten we have a date to Ou today.. 2pm Neway~ but because the room was full we have to wait till 3pm.. And because Kah Ying have to be home by 7pm we change plan.. Menn wants to watch Fast & Furious.. so they took their lunch at Canton-i.. I took mine at Nandos and off we go to GSC..
Fast & Furious
I spot TVXQ-Rising Sun was played about 15minutes at the beginnings.. I'm sort of like bouncing on my chair while I heard it xD and Kah Ying was like.. Why? why? why? what happen??? Haha.. but my actions weren't that obvious la.. =.= not that sam patt ^^ I'm really excited with the movie and actions but the two of them like as though they're watching some romantic movie.. So cool just sit there and watch.. =.= All my excite-ness also fad away ady...
Maybe because
I just wake up by ringing phones.. so I'm quite bothered by others.. I mean.. Whenever I don't have my sleep time enough.. Then I'll blur the whole day.. Like stunt the whole day.. Day dream and stuff.. Not paying attention in anything.. So.. today's outing is kinda b-l-u-r and speechless type.. Sorry la.. I'm like that.. that's my habit.. And it's not good.. not nice.. =.= Eeee..
Things I notice
It's the end of the road by Matt Boss
Innocence by Avril Lavigne
'' It's so beautiful until it makes you wanna cry,
Hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by,
this moment is perfect please don't go. ''
''Your mood swings are kinda giving me a whip plash. ''
Yeah you're always right
Tomorrow is a saturday.. The day I hate of all the whole week.. =.= I'm gonna change my piano & violin class's time to weekdays at the night if possible.. All my friends are free on weekends and I'm not.. So whenever they call me out on weekend I'll have to let them down.. Specially to the person I seriously don't want to make her up set.. =/
and~ Amy called for a movie tomorrow night. I guess she wants to watch F&F.. so.. should I watch again? I miss some parts of the movie thought.. Okay no more words I'm going again tomorrow.. thats it.. xD hahaha
I'm missing
I miss the icy cold, white floor
I miss the taste of the freshness
I miss the small room where we sing our lungs out
I miss the angel voice from you
I miss the night stars
and talking about night stars.. I receive something yesterday
Didn't you ever notice,
millions of eyes gazing at you beyond the window every night?
Any idea ?
No sorry.. I don't.. Hmmm.. Lun, Amy and I went Kayu yesterday for my supper their dinner..
Lun says it kinda scary if there is millions of eye staring at you middle of the night.. Haha
Amy say.. reply him ''you stalker!'' or imagine you're doing your own business in the bath room middle of the night ''you pervert freak!''
Man.. their explanations are hilarious.. But.. till the end.. I still don't get it.. Hax.. I think instead of using the words ''eyes''.. ''Stars'' will be sweeter.. more romantic.. Lol~ Erm.. his shy and I forgotten to reply his sms yesterday afternoon.. I was taking my nap till I wake up I've ady delete his msg.. Oh god thats bad.. Yeah seriously.. I will msg him right after I done this post kay? Promise~!! x]
I think end of things I wanted to say.. Or I've forgotten what actually important I want to say.. Haha.. I haven eat my dinner.. oh! talk about food hoh.. I lost my appetite these few days.. Every day 1 meal only.. Thats abnormal for me.. Very abnormal haha.. Today at Nandos I also feel like vomiting out their food =/ AND!
I saw Jonathan!!!! Jonathan Ng!! My looonnng-lost-best-friend =) Primary school friend.. While we were walking towards Nandos from Biskin Robins.. He walk opposite and we caught an eye on each other.. Haha Menn says he is cute.. xD 4years!! after 4years!! =) I'm darn happy that time.. till Menn says she sort-of-liked him.. Lol haha farnny.. Cause~ last time.. during std5 I have a crush on him.. HAHAHA lmao~ ya la.. that time we sit together ma.. and he stay just one road down my house.. If I got bicycle surely everyday pass by his there one.. Haha stalker~ But he always fly Australia.. So sad.. Nevermind~ Before SPM I'm gonna plan an gathering no matter what! x) Now he make me miss Yi Ling even more T.T
Thats all for now readers x] and sorry for those short pictures.. lots more in my camera but my mom is having it now.. she's not back home yet.. so.. next time kay.. =)
> lexis <
p/s : i miss
sushi king
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