yeah.. so here i am now.. 3:21am still blogging.. and someone is going to bed now.. Zzz tmr.. i mean next few more hours i gotta go basketball-ing ><>
oh ya! someone came late yesterday make me waited for more than an hour.. i was pist because she didn't tell me the truth.. i am waiting since 5:30pm.. look 5:45 you say taking cab liao.. 6:30 you're not here yet.. and! you reach around 7 plus.. you want me to choi you ar? i waited till 7:10pm then i choi you crazy loo~ uh.. sorry lo according to my mood that time and i am like that de lo i normally won't continue waiting one even if you reach ady.. i will just ciao =] to others people it will be the same de.. this isn't the 1st time liao okay.. LoL whatever you wanna say la ha don't mention bout this the next time i saw you.. LoL
yeah.. after bowling.. hand still itchy and it's almost 1am ady.. look at the people there.. there is only 4 girl there wei hahaha so empty XD
after movie it's only 11plus so bowling!! so long didn't play ady.. see i so lousy 56 only.. Zzz
it's very funny very chi kek and very wat tat haha 18 okay.. don't know 18 what la.. but it's 18.. haha LoL this movie got alot of famous actor and actress.. mainly is Gu Tin Lock and Barbie Su haha worth it to watch la =] you will laugh your ass off.. i heard this movie got english version.. Cellular i think.. XD
O.o oh ya!! someone is getting mrried on Nov something something.. mii gonna be bride's maid.. >.<>
yup.. then pasar malam.. but! when we reach McD.. i meet down stairs someone from McD up stairs is waving and waving and waving so hardly.. i spotted her.. it was Pei Wen.. haha LoL..
cam woring~~
O.o before going in Sushi we went in Momo haha it's just next to each other la.. Wen found her stocking i saw a shirt.. or short dress? wo bu zhi tao.. LoL.. yes i itchy hand went and try this shirt.. LoL i turn out like that.. Zzz i.. don't really lke it.. just trying for fun.. somebody say i look sweet.. yea ahhem L-O-O-K s-w-e-e-t =.=''
who ever got go Mid Valley punnya Sushi King please look for a trainee waitress called Huilyn and bully her as much as possible XD she is my primary school buddy haha shock seeing her work part time here.. RM8 per hour, working hour is 9am to 8pm so laku wei Zzz
okayy went all the way to KL Metro Jaya Towel to fix my phone
and then look up there . . .
it shifted!!! Zzz haihz.. wen & I was so frustrated..
know why? we went allt he way to Paramout LRT then to KLCC look for this building then went all the way up to 3rd floor *something like that la forget which floor liao* and then go inner abit only found this.. this shop shifted Zzz then we went all the way down to askt he secu.. he say it shift to KLCC so we went KLCC.. then we ask the concieger where is Sony Ericson Custormer Service Centre --> 3rd floor on your left =] big wide smile from her.. Zzz anyway we went up and then up then up again.. twice up.. but it's still 2nd floor LoL.. so up again and we found it! I ask the leng zhai.. can i fix my phone.. he say waranty card please.. Zzz WARANTY CARD ar!!!! Zzz i didn't bring.. more like i tihnk i lost it ady.. so he say to fix can.. wait 1 more week for the stock to arrive and RM68 LoL! haihz nvm i go find my card 1st next week only go.. >.<>
> lexis <
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