Thursday, November 27, 2008
The day is giving way to the night
bla bla black sheep have you any wool~
it's Baaa's birthday.. I don't really know what baaa means but he seems like it's his own vo-cab thought.. Lolx. I got my off day back today.. Means I didn't go work for 2 days already.. Can you imagine that! I've lost my working mood already.. Lols well hope those VIP are back in Jakarta already. hmm..
By-the-way!! Someone FFK-ed my Twilight movie tonight. =.= damn disappointed at her. Deng! I'm in KFC blogging now. Was watvhing drama at home just.. Not drama la.. Erm.. Vampire Knight. It's a japanese anime. and my aunt is talking cock behind of me. SHK! Okay I had enought. I haven finish my food yet.. And i'm darn hungry! Apparently I have no idea what am I writting now.
My wife called just now. I helped her to book 4 Quarantine GSC ticket in Ou. Now I wonder why didn't I call and book for my self too??? Darn smart right yeah I know thanks!
O-k-a-y I can't tahan those beside me. damn 7 wai! Find a room la CB! Orhx she is not even pretty but the guy is not-bad-looking aww~ sad guy...
PatheticNya.. =.=
Happy Birthday ooHhaK
and also
Faizul.. my co-worker xD
> lexis <
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Well as usuall it's a working day. Not much to say. Just that alot of mistake been made today by Tia & I. Have menu revision again.. I brought a new note book for it. Of course to write any others things also. Now is 2:12AM.. My mind is kinda blank. But in the afternoon I do have words to say.. Oh ya! you know what when we doing cleaning after 10pm just now.. HeadChef was using his laptop.. You wanna know what is he doing anot..? O-M-G he is watching porn. -.- P-O-R-N-O-G-R-A-F-I wei wtf!!! -.-'' so disappointed
Tomorrow Sushi Groove's big bos is coming! K-e-t-a-m 8AM meeting. I start work at 2pm. haihz gg loo..
There is things I want to talk about. But.. Crap.. I forgotten liao. d-e-n-g!
> lexis <
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
another interesting day
I woke up late this morning. At 12:30am. & someone called to wake me up. k-e-t-a-m anyway no laang can fetch me to work so I plan to take bus at 1:20pm like that. Mana tau still sleepy sleepy, when got ready it's already 1:30pm -.- so got to take cab lo. Smart me when opposite the big road behind my house to take cab. Waited for 15 minutes no cab or got empty cab but didn't stop. So I cross the road to wait for cabs. At 2pm only I got one. I reach Ou at 2:20pm freaking late. But I called Tia & ask her help me to tell Kim that I'll be late. So yeah~ l-a-t-e cause of my over-slept.
Work was great. I think I'm going there to learn & at the same time got paid also xD syok! Today received RM4.70 tips from 3 custormer. We learned how to take order and use the computer to send order I do very well my manager said. So yeah I was having lots of fun. During menu studying period there is two guys around my age came to ask for vacancy 1 very macho but I don't think they will work here. Maybe cause of the salary is too little. But later on after lunch time I met two of them in the toilet. I mean outside the toilet the lorong there. swt nothing big deal. Oh! There is 1 custormer I served and I felt very disappointed at my self, he is a muslim foreigner. I introduce him our menu from outside then he decided to give it a try so I brought him to his table, serve him everything that is need to be served. He drank warm water, and didn't know what to eat. But at last he ordered the 1st 2 dishes from Groovy Sushi. I served his dishes too. I totally incharge of his table. But... He didn't finish his dish.. paid and left. T.T it's a failure! FAILURE!!! I should have intro him some groovy dishes. I should have suggest them. I should have ask what he prefer. =.= Next time I met these situation I'll try my best to do it!
I got lots of nick name now.. From my new friends..
-> alex!
-> lao poh
-> lang lui
-> eii min
-> kim punnya adik!
-> zim's
-> lexis!
haha farnny~! well I start to miss my lao poh. Now I gotta sleep. I hope all of you guys doing well in everything. Take care =]
> lexis <
Monday, November 24, 2008
I'm not me. I feel.. very empty
TVXQ - Love In The Ice gotta hear in korean. It's nicer.
I'm working at Sushi Groove, One Utama people! Let's see~ the people there are very nice, very friendly.. On the 1st day 22 Nov 08, Azzim wasn't really friendly x} After heard from Kim - our manager Zim is soon going to be OU outlet punnya supervisor. As I observed Azzim indeed capable to be a supervisor. Normally he is a SuperMan already xD he doesn't seem to be tired always full of energy one. Hahax Anyway he isn't very friendly at 1st nutil today, my 2nd day there he starts to say jokes.. Fool around make me do mistakes and stuff so.. I found Sushi Groove is a happy-big-harmoni-family xD starting to love you guys already =D
Anyway there is a malay girl named Tia who came in the same time as me, so we're a team. 2 person per team Hahax. [ I am working but everyday I feel as though I'm going there to have fun] She is my manager's relative. So we go break together and work the same time together =] 1st day of work I met *front house* Hari, Leo, Tia, Tah, how, Kim - manager, Zia - vice manager, *hot kitchen* Ric, 2 abang & 2 more F.H but I forgotten their name. I tell you ar.. Their name very hard to pronounce and 1st day I'm in-charge of serving the dishes. They call it RuNnEr. & As a runner we are suppose to name the dish while we serve the dish, the chef will name the dish and tell you the seat, when they pronounce I don't get it clear so when reach to the customers also will be like . . . . I'm sure you guys play pass message before right. The same mesaning lo. xD and! 1 more thing! 1st day of work already met some one... guess who.. My so called ex-crush.. S.L omg! He came with Melissa and 1 more girl. From my school too, I know Melissa through OPC Club & she is close to my sister so consider 2 person I've met. =.= S.L make me go so many times to his table to refill his tea wei. Plus he is sitting lone table, I also serve the customers next to him so he's always looking-staring at me =.= uh! pressure aaahhhhh~! But he surely went wash room several times xD
So we didn't turn up at LCCT. We made a U-turn before near the LCCT round about. Still bashing the MP3 like nothing is wrong slowly drive back home. We stopped next to the road right after toll to chill the car for 1/2 an hour. xP g.g. le while reach home. Kena scolding like mad.
Yeah~ today is the 2nd day I work at Sushi Groove. As a hoster. Means~~ Bring customers in and set them down their seats. xP I got a chawanmushi for free tau. Of course I know it's extras la.. But my manager didn't wanna break my heart. During 1st day he said, for the one who hard working the most for the whole day will get something after work. So I think it's means the extras chawanmushi la xP by the way he knows I like chawanmushi too. xD So today when I was cleaning up the last table before going back home, Zim said Kim calling me so I went up to Kim Tah was fooling around with Kim so that Kim give him the chawanmushi but Kim says it's for me. He took 2 tea spoon call me to sit down together with him and eat finish it. crap I didn't wanted to but.. urgh got to... it look so weird ya know~ -.-''
Oh ya! I got tips you know!! xD 1st time got tips!! RM2 from our last 3rd customer. It was a malay family consits of 3 person. xD hahax well How resits it's for me and Kim say so too so..... hahaha!!! Damn happy!! Usually I'm the one giving tips but 1st time receiving it's... wow!! Kim say KeEp It Up!! Next week got VIP Customer from Jakarta so work hard!! xD
Okayy I think thats all I wanna say. Tmr working on 2pm onward all the way to 11pm =] Mon to Thursday will be training day for Tia & I so.. You guys don't come kacau this week kay x/ your coroperation will be appreciated xD
> lexis <
P/ S : I saw Gary Chou & smile at him, he did too. I'm off on this thursday. 27 Nov 08.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The past isn't pasted
You're afraid to start, I don't blame you. Your heart is cold.. Baby you don't need to be like this. I have the magic to warm your heart once again. Allow me, I can cure you. Please don't be afraid you won't be alone in the dark freezing cold winter anymore. I'll bring you happiness. Let you know my love. I'll give you eternal love.. forever.
I don't want to hear the word give up from you, It's like losing energy. Hold the time why can't this be forever? I want to continue hugging you and smile saying I LoVe YoU. Don't walk, don't walk away too far off. Don't leave me I called for you so hard.. Please listen carefully I'm reaching out to you.
Why love can't stand forever between us? It's fading away slowly. Baby it's time less Please hold me tightly. My mind had forgotten.. But my heart is reminding.. I can't see you till my time comes.. have already forgotten yo.. have already let you go. But why? From time to time something reminds me.. Is it my heart? Why is it so pain? Is my heart calling for you? are you here? My heart is icey cold now.. is it missing the warmth you gave? Baby stop.. I can't hold on any longer. This feeling this pain it's too painful.
Even the sky felt sad for me. It started raining. It started off drizzling then heavy.. Baby are you watching over me? Because I'm crying.. because of you? Oh baby I miss your temperature. I miss you so badly. But you won't come back to me. You have no choice, no way to come back.. It's isn't your fault nor mine. ''He'' wanted you in his arms.. to be his angel.. You're are called on duty.. You're ordered to leave me. I'm faithed to be heart broken. It is broken into many tiny pieces.. I'm the one who needs to be cure too. But I choose to be strong. Baby tell me. Will someone take over your place one day? Tell me.... That I'll be appreciated once again.
I close my eyes while listening to this song. Flashed back you're in my mind now. It' s all full of you. I play back everytime I listen to it. I can't open my eyes.. It makes me feel like crying. It reminds me of you.. The story.. Every moment we walk through.. Every tough moments. It's so hard I can feel my heart is crying out loud for you. It's so torturing I fall on the floor.. The cold tears are dripping none stop. It washes my face. I can't do anything now but crying. Hold on tightly to my heart It's feel like coming out from my body. It's so painful. I tried so hard to stop the feeling. But I just can't bare it. Hearing the song it's like as though it's made for you and I. It's pain.. It's so painful until I cried so hard. Hold on tight baby, Hold on to me.. We both agree.. Love is timeless
> lexis <
Friday, November 21, 2008
beware!! crazy TVXQ fan is here!!
by stripping 1st lever of his cloths already cause pretty much death
Sunday, November 16, 2008
x/ chai de dao shei shi shei ma?
Friday, November 14, 2008
Main point of the post
Working at Sinma One Utama
1st day was 12/11. Found it boring. The song is playing over and over again. Plus I don't know how to describe la.. But the other worker there always sour face one.. And they don't greet customers coming in. Say no need wor.. Lolx. What kind of customer service is this? =.= today 2nd day I found it quite relaxing after break. Maybe because after lunch thats why.. x) But every morning got people help you to make nice hair stlye wor hahax free one xP Miss Jenny help us do.. Her hands are like magics xD no need 5 minutes then one hair stlye is created. Another leader is Miss Loh, Wen say she very fierce and like to tease her xD but I found her okay la =] Just a little aunty aunty only...
Anyway tmr 14/11 last day working there le.. going to find others job. If dad allow me to stay alone at Pantai while I work O.T till 10pm then I'll find a job at Mid Valley. See weather Sushi King still want people anot x] Hope I'll get something interresting la =)
Oh! You know what! when I'm queueing up at McD for lunch I saw 2 guys, more like boys wearing Sushi Groove's T-shirt. Now I know why Sushi Groove didn't call. It's because they wanted guy waiter more than girls. Hmmph! Why. Why? Why??! Because girls can't serve the food nicely?! Hmmph. Idiot~! xP
2nd point of this post
This 2 days I'm really tired after work. Legs are totally no feeling liao. Got brushes some more.. Haihz it's like that de lo.. x[
Can't believe this! My parents came to look see look see on my 1st day of work. 2nd day of work my beloved cousin came . . . What la.. =.= Like come to see me die only x/ Parents like don't want me to work only.. Cousin was encouraging aza aza fighting!! xD
I saw so many people at Ou, 1st I saw my kiddos, Manju & Mia, Yatt Fai, Zhi Herng, and Lun on my 1st day. 2nd day Kian Heng, Sarah Ooi, Tian Loong, and a girl from my primary school.. I forgotten her name ady.. That ''girl'' who fighted with me over a guy Lolx and I won..! haha more like the guy decide to be with me. Not like what you all think the ''girl fight'' okayy.. we are the cool type, talk on table with tea xD people is balletrina ar.. don't play play! xD Wen say she very pretty very skinny. Lol haha duh~ poeple from rich and educated family wor x/ she came in Sinma with her boyfriend. Smile smile say hi then she look see look see don't know why don't plan to buy then walk off angrily leaving her boyfriend chasing her. Lol!! tai~ siu~ jie~ betul.
Today should be mommy come fetch me de but turn out was dad.. =.= Cause raining mom and I punnya pasar malam plan cancel. Tonight me and my dad have actually chat! About my day and my musci future. And tonight he have actually listen and give little comments!! He didn't scold! Didn't anything! Did my mind become more matture or he gone out of his mind?! Lol. I'm happy we have a chat la. But things came back to the same after we reach home. =.= A big Thank You to my ''beloved'' aunt! Never mind there will always be another chance. I hope not too far.
Tmr! oh no it's today.. hahax paiseh! My idiotic sister is coming back. 11:35PM punnya fei kei LCCT from Sabah.. So tmr over work at 6:45PM then have dinner with family then tamcha with cousin almost time ady only go LCCT welcome her back LoLx haha Amy wanna do a banner saying ''WELCOME HOME ANT!!'' xD haha like the one we do while sending her off there '' WE WILL MISS YOU! TAKE CARE!!!'' omg damn paiseh lo that time xP
It's late. Time to Zzzzzzz
> lexis <
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
thanks to sureen
I'm Yong Ee Min =.=
2. Who is more important to you?
3. How often do you think of committing suicide?
once in a year
4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
No in certain things.
5. How many babies you want?
O.o I should think about if I'm enggage right =.= erm.. at least 2
6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
duh~ I've seen by my own eyes xD
7. What is your goal for this year?
good result in everything I do.
8. Do you believe in eternity love?
9. What's a perfect boyfriend like to you?
everyone isn't p-e-r-f-e-c-t. so..?
10. What feeling do you love most?
sincerely happy from the bottom of my heart
11. What are the requirements you wish from the other half?
hmm.. good manners, taller than me err.. i dono~
12. Is there anything you wanna tell the people you hate?
you suck. but i gotta love you so....... muackszz~!
13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Yes I do.
14. What does flying means to you?
15. What do you crave for the most currently?
hmm.. a little more busy in life.. too bored ady
16. Who's hotter?Chace Crawford or Kevin Peake?
erm.. who are they anyway?
17. Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words.
cheeky. pretty. cute. intelligent. gorgeous.
18. What have you done to yourself to make yourself happy?
hang out with my friends, ice skating, ringing like a crazy fella
19. If time were to rewind, when will you want it to be?
30 July 2007
20. What are your fear(s)?
alone in a dark room.
Rules and Regulations:
1. Each player writes a little blog of 15 weird or little known facts about yourself.
2. People who gets tagged needs to state the rule clearly before hand.
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to tag and write their names down.
4. No Tags back!!!!
> I don't like people calling me yee min
> I don't know why I get up set when I'm alone.
> I get bored very fast in an conversation
> I love to drink nai cha
> Oh I love to eat nasi lemak
> I'm gaining weight
> But I have a weak body
> Still waiting for my ''prince charming''
> Some people call me Chibi Maruko Chan which I don't know which part of my body look like her.
> I use to love sms-ing last time
> I'm wondering is it the 15th ady anot
> I like to keep my self busy so that I won't think of people that shouldn't be thinking
> I fall sick every 3 month
> Life is getting boring in here
> I'm silly
Sorry people but I've choose you : 1. amelia 2. angie 3. chee sien 4. audrey 5. kin hei 6. ivan 7. kay jun 8. rachel 9. caely 10. ooHhaK???
little spicy bitch
Missed a opportunity to work at Miss T. Was actually planning to go find for a job at Ou. But nobody can teman me there. Even my closes friend doesn't want to go MCB. I'm really mad at my self now. She can't get a job and I must get one . I feel sorry while calling her to teman me there and stuff while it bring no benefits to her. She's not feeling very well these few days, I though maybe she at home will be very bored so come out walk walk also good ma.. keep on asking her I think got 3 times ady.. It's damn mother fucking fan! Lol. I know I shouldn't do it. I hate it when I force her. Haihz. Since I know I hated it then why am I still doing it?! I'm just very mad at myself now. So just STUF and FO.
> lexis <
Sunday, November 9, 2008
closeted, retreat
Thursday after school :
2PM Sunway Pyramid to buy my cosmetic take her contact lens
3:04PM Lunch at Mid Valley Nando's
3:58PM Cineleisure with Poh Pui & Hwei Wen to watch
Boys Over Flower
Rui <3>
hahax cool leh 2 hour went 3 shopping malls

sa-rang-hae-yo~! I love you guys
They love it. He ate me ->
see how ''hard working'' are we

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
ass aae dee
> lexis <
I don't get it
I think my health is getting worse
LoLx. Okay it's a boring day today. I didn't at5tend school today cause was having a very big flu~ in the morning. Dad didn't allow me to go school. LoLx. I don't know why even mom agree I told them I have exam but they say nevermind. What is wrong with them these fews days I don't know.. Yesterday night I feel like eating KFC's cheesy wedges and today afternoon dad brought it back.. LoLx with 1 big set of snack plate o~m~g~ Zzzzzzz and they always call me to sleep early & always give me more food during dinner. Aihz zhong zhi they very weird la. =.= sien loo~
I got nothing to write ady.. Watching Miss No Good now. I.. got kinda bored with sms ady. =.= erm.. and I lose my green colour phone.. which it's my 012 sim card inside.. means.. I lose my 012 sim card also.. aiyerr~ I can't find it laaa deng
> lexis <
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I understand what sweet dreams means
I have something to say. ''We'' went Mid Valley today.. Like always. You wanna know we went to find what..? Hahax.. guess la! it's something sexy and hot xD At last we found it. yeah like totally last minute thing Haha. We were heading to the teksi stand that time its' like 3:30PM ady. She will get into trouble if she don't reach home before 4PM. LoL. So she brought it.. for RM153 =.= rich ass hole.. One set and one more shirt. Duh~ this kind of thing of course expensive laaaa... xD I will bring my mama to buy so i don't need to pay wuahahaha~! Next year feb only buy.. Not so soon.. Now weather cold you want wear go where oh.? Hahax LoL!!! Anyway we went acting erm.. no very dramaticly fighting hmm.. fighting..? No la.. -.- zhong zhi she was pulling me like P-U-L-L-I-N-G to the teksi stand but I want to go drink-drink and she promise me liao and she didn't do it hahax so at last I fight back and my right hand got redish after let her pull -.-'' happy la you.. i-d-i-o-t xD ''He'' was there working.. I said already I'm gonna ask him why your'll service so good one ar? Always smiling at customers one. xD see what he say! But. . . His senior.. more like a supervisor or manager was there with a newbies so I didn't ask. And my wife was waiting.. -.- So!! I don't wanna care d.. Until I beh tahan then I'll straight ask on his face. LoL!! yeah~ right~ like I dare.. Zzz
Oh! Oh! and!!! After buying the drink we pass by TheFaceShop she wlaked in then I was behind.. I heard anniasaiyo obviously it's a korean brand. Then I turn behind and look who was the one greeting.. tim zhi..................... hahaha it was a leng zhai.. Zzzzzzzz and she say he very lala~ But! he is not. Just because of his hair then she said he is lala~ Zzzzz -.- and we argue all the way until we get a cab.. imagine that.. she keep saying he is lala~ lala~ lala~ lala~ Zzz lazy to choi you la hmmph! but serously his hair is DAMN yeng!!! xD she say didn't know that was your cup of tea. -.-'' Really ar......
Lolx.. now.. hmm.. oh ya! That day having group study at McD right.. I borrowed my hpone to a guy..
He asked : Excuse me. Is anyone of you is a nokia user?
Me : Err. no..
Guy : Erm. Then can I borrow your phone to change the sim card just to make a phone call only. My phone gone out of battery.
Me : Oh.. Okay.
At 1st he speaked english.. fullen english.. I though he is a korean.. but after that the 2nd pgone call he speaked mandarin.. then the 3rd phone call he speaked cantoenese.. Veron and I were laughing like mad.. xD
Guy : You guys are students?
Me : Yeah.. Secondary student.
Guy : oh. erm.. just one more phone call.
Me : oh sure.. C=
Done at last.. change back for him. and then you know what. My phone turn out to have alot of unknown number.. probably is from his sim card memory. There is one came out on the 1st contact list. Sometimes when I type messages will accidentally ter-press the number to sent. Tim zhi the 1st time I sent it reply Who Is This. I just sent back Sorry Sent Wrong Number. It say Nvm. Few hours ago I ter-sent wrong again and it say I Think You Sent Wrong Number Again. I replied saying Very sorry I seem to have alot of unknown number in my phone ever since I borrowed my pnone to a guy.. It replied I think I am the guy. LoLx.. After that we chat a little.. just a little.. cause he is using hotlink I'm digi.. We both agreed that it's expensive so.. if ada faith will meet again at McD. LoL.. funny eh xP
I screwed my B.C2 and B.M2 today . . . haihz.. damn stupid yesterday night cannot sleep.. cannot sms also cause out-of-credit.. zha dou -.- so I at last slept at 3AM I think or was it 3:30AM?? Hahax.. and guess what.. I have a very sweet dream xD seriously I'm like smiling at my self the whole day.. Haha only the people sitting around me notice xP but OMG it's so pai seh la.. xD I can't tell what I dream or not it won't come true isn't it hahax.. I didn't even tell my wife.. Ooops sorry loo Haha.. Hehe.. cannot tell cannot tell xD
> lexis <
ssshhhh~! xD
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Okayy the person on-line call to me write... err.. continue writting.. =.=
But I gotta sleep soon.. not sleep.. as in get off the comp.
Okay okayy =.= fast one then
why are you not sleeping laaaaaa..
bug me at this time.. pergi tidor la!
I know your handphone lot of credit
Play always miss call and never get angry everytime I eat your credit..
You got problem ar..?
I.. still gonna treat you as my brother..
I don't feel any.. specialities now..
Not like I have to.
Thanks for the care. and full fill my boredness..
Dumb you really dumb.
I can't believe we actually had that silly conversation.
It's a normal thing.
But everything is on that table only. okay
If anyone knows about it..
I think.. I will not know where to hide my face and...
How to chill you.. hahax *scandal!!!*
Err.. I don't know how to start nor sholud I start.
=.= Just stop starring at me la!
Your ''stupid'' angelic smile will make me misunderstand everything.
Okay. I'm gonna ask you straigh on to your face the next time I go there.
Lolx. Hate to be hanging half way on no way
well I think thats all.
I getta wake up at.. Latest 7:30AM i think. Berangkat at 8AM to Mantin.. The should be 9AM plus.. to cemetry. Err.. I don't know I'm going anot.. Or I just stay at home with the maid..
Cause mom say body weak + mental weak = fizical also weak
Scared later ''bang'' on something then gg.. So.. Yeah I might just stay at home with the maid
> lexis <
argh!! I'm designing something just now.. And my cute brother went and exit the whole thing.. Now my idea is gone.. Mcb.. =.=
Okayy.. I'm having bad sore throat these 2 to 3 days?
=.= it's getting better.. xP
thanks to >insert name< LoLx
I was having minor fever on friday till saturday morning
O.o I won't ask for more anymore
oh. don't bring it back....
I.. just miss talking to you
Don't start. Or else I won't stop.
it was suppose to be a long post
i'm gonna stop writting
got to adjust my mood back
> lexis <