Saturday, January 3, 2009

2nd Jan 09 found out that............

I'm in d-e-e-p s-h-i-t

It's the 2nd day of the first month of the new year 2009
I got into a fight
& I lost
Got asthma and went into hospital

Asthma (AZ-ma) is a chronic (long-term) lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Asthma causes recurring periods of wheezing (a whistling sound when you breathe), chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing. The coughing often occurs at night or early in the morning.
Asthma affects people of all ages, but it most often starts in childhood. In the United States, more than 22 million people are known to have asthma. Nearly 6 million of these people are children.
airways are tubes that carry air into and out of your lungs. People who have asthma have inflamed airways. This makes the airways swollen and very sensitive. They tend to react strongly to certain substances that are breathed in.
When the airways react, the muscles around them tighten. This causes the airways to narrow, and less air flows to your lungs. The swelling also can worsen, making the airways even narrower. Cells in the airways may make more mucus than normal. Mucus is a sticky, thick liquid that can further narrow your airways.
This chain reaction can result in asthma symptoms. Symptoms can happen each time the airways are irritated.
Sometimes symptoms are mild and go away on their own or after minimal treatment with an asthma medicine. At other times, symptoms continue to get worse. When symptoms get more intense and/or additional symptoms appear, this is an asthma attack. Asthma attacks also are called flareups or exacerbation.
It's important to treat symptoms when you first notice them. This will help prevent the symptoms from worsening and causing a severe asthma attack. Severe asthma attacks may require emergency care, and they can cause death.
Asthma can't be cured. Even when you feel fine, you still have the disease and it can flare up at any time.
But with today's knowledge and treatments, most people who have asthma are able to manage the disease. They have few, if any, symptoms. They can live normal, active lives and sleep through the night without interruption from asthma.
For successful, comprehensive, and ongoing treatment, take an active role in managing your disease. Build strong partnerships with your doctor and other clinicians on your health care team.
The exact cause of asthma isn't known. Researchers think a combination of factors (family genes and certain environmental exposures) interact to cause asthma to develop, most often early in life.
September 2008
Okay. I'm not going to write anymore about this stupid disease.
2nd January 2009 night sucks.
In the morning sent my sister off to LCCT. After that went to AmBank SS2 sistem down can't update my book. So I went home. Around 2pm then I go UpTown AmBank. At last can. Got a date with Miss How, known as Cik How also. Actual name is Chee How. xD Brought movie ticket already then I went makan my self. You know~ slice my skin, cop my bone take out my brain and then fried / steam or boil also can. Delicious~! =.='' I went Sushi King. It has been quite a while since the last time I ate at Sushi King. I think it's a thursday when with Andrew then he fly to Sakae Sushi. Eat until half way Cik How have arrive -.- He got fooled by the manager there xD cause he blur ma. Aiyoyo so lousy. We watch BedTime Stories by the way it's boring. When it's almost the end I felt sleepy already. Oh! I met the ''skating guy'', the wear spects one.. Andrew's friend. The one Andrew say look like Ah Beng one. Yeah~! We went Yogurt Berry before movie. Delicious~! xD Loves their frozen yogurt and they are going to open another brunch in Ou soon. xD wuahahaha~!! The reason I go Sunway Pyramid is because I have a stuff party at Sushi Groove around 10:30pm. They smartly arrive at 11:30pm and my dearest father want me to be back at home by 12:30am WTF there is how I got my fight. lame~~~
> lexis <

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