But hey! If the crown fits!
Look it's Garfield. He wants to eat my wedges.. Shoo shoo~ go away!
This is my new friend ChenChen. Because it's cute and look delicious so Pn. Teh & a form6 guy in Ko-op introduced me to it. x] It's hard for you to meet it now. Because he is in my tummy ady ^.^ Probably already reach the big big dirty longkang. Sorry la. I know it's cute and you want it too. Never mind before CNY I'll intro you guys some x)
I'm absent in school this morning. Reach home around 11am. Mom, Brian & I went Tropicana City Mall. After jalan-ing around for 15minutes we stop by Colours. I tried this. What do you think? Hmm.. Too mature xp
What about this then? Well I brought this at RM79.90 Colours. For pre-CNY lunch at Dragon-i, Mid Valley with my aunts [ mom side ] My siblings are coming back!! 2 family from London, 1 family at Dubai and also 1 family at Switzerland this year. So it's gonna be a big big reunion x] I~~love them~!!
TomYam soup + Gong Bou Chicken Rice + Yam ice cream + Ice coffee.
Price is reasonable. Good service. Tasty food. *specially tomyam!* Nice place to be in. =] So try out this place if you're gonna visit T.C.M C=
Yeh man~!!! While I was passing by Victoria Music I spot this! The salesman inside didn't even notice I took photo of it while he was standing outside too xD
Main entrance Deco of T.C.M = Tropicana City Mall. Nice? At least better than KLCC one xP
Yup it's Nichii x] P~i~n~k is ssoooo a NO x) But i tried one exactly the same design in white at S.P d other day. Unfortunately it's taken by another customer the next day T.T
And again Nichii too. Nice? Well this is my 1st green-ny shirt. Yiieahh I brought this also. ^.^ Maybe green doesn't suite me xp I don't know the price la girls. But.. got 10% discount. xD
Haha xD Brian was lao gai-ing because mom and I was taking a long time in the fitting room. xP He was playing with the decos in Nichii when I was out. Since the deco is nice so we took a picture with it =] He his face~!! So L~C
Look up~ =] Deco at main entrance.
In the bus going back home. Look!! Double E!! Means?? It's Ee Min's bus!! xD Gonna tell you something lame. T.C.M provides customers a free shuttle bus from K.J LRT Station to the main entrance of T.C.M. So we are gonna catch the 6pm bus back, we get in the bus just 10minutes before the bus driver start it's engine. After 2 minutes we got seated, my dad called. Saying that he is on the way to fetch us home. We stupidly get down the bus =.= When we are getting off the bus the bus driver asked me ''why am I getting down? Don't want to go K.J?'' That time I was hang-kei-ed because of my dad's just-in-time-phone-call. Hahax well mom helped me to answer so I didn't know what they chat xp farnny eh?
While waiting for dad's arrival. I took picture of this thingy. The red ang pow packet say ''prosperity'' x]
Uh huh Brian~! Hit it! Hit it loud!!!
Hahax.. he was bored waiting for dad.
Yipyip we didn't went home straight because this smart princess suggest that go pick up Marcus since we will pass by school. After that we can straight go dinner. So the everyone listened to the princess and went to school x] This is back gate
Dear people who care :
The actual reason I didn't went to school this morning was because.. My health report is out ady. Remember I went for body check up d other day? Sorry I lied. I woke up at 7am. Reached hospital around 8:30am after having breakfast at Paramount Garden. Settled everything I reached home about 11am++. I'm not gonna tell you guys the result because.. It's unpleasant... Okay fine. I need a place to dump things also. My report wasn't good. I face L.B.P and my darling asthma can active anytime. Like a small jog.. even emotional moments. This doctor knows me very well. She told me personally that if I cry, I m.u.s.t control my breathing. I can't be too angered or not....
I write what I can't keep inside.
I tell what I feel.
I hope if anyone of you read this.. Please do not mention this sickness of mine often or even to others people. Keep it to yourself. If you really care just look after me silently. I dislike special care from anyone who knows about this. Sorry if you felt that I'm exaggerating my sickness. But this is really a big influence in my life.
After dinner and stuff. Aunt Chai came over to my house. Knowing that my report is out so she came over to ''care''. Minutes after Aunt Chai arrived, Aunt Regina came home too. So the table have Mom, Dad, Aunt Chai, Aunt Regina & I.
I listened to what they said.
I accepted whatever lectures they said.
I agree that I'm clumsy on my health.
I disagree that they say I didn't appreciate myself.
I holded my tears all the way until they leave to Genting.
I handle my emotion, my breathing.
It was fine.. Till I locked my self in the toilet.
Water flushing out the shower tub..
You can hear how rush the water is from outside..
And only the sound of the shower you can hear.
Silently.. I cried. So hard to keep it low..
Almost dis inhaled the oxygen.. Almost cause something bad
I msg somebody quite important to me after I have settled down. I still face difficulty of having him as someone more that just a friend. I want it to be. But it might be to rush. I'm not clear. Dan just left me with a great big news. Asthma knocked my door, and I invited it in my heart. Keeping a big secret of me and Dan from my parents. Maybe things came too fast.. Because they didn't line up. But I don't want to leave u-s apart.
Please understand.
Please stay by my side till d end.
Please hold me tight when is needed.
Please forgive me too.
You told me to tell you everything straight in face. But I'm not as strong as you though I am. I admit that after knowing my body is weak, I felt that I brought low my self too. I'm not as brave as last time. I've lost confidence in myself. Everything have gone down.. to the earth. No one knows or felt that I changed. I'm sorry that I've put you in problems again. You may leave if you want... You may. Because if you don't.. at the end I might.. or even must have to.. push you away.
> lexis <
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