Friday, February 27, 2009
Skippy skip skip
7am I.. was absent in school..
2pm I'm absent in science tuition
4pm Lunch at Steven's TeaGarden, Mid Valley with Weny+Andrew for a business
7pm Back in PeeJay
7:30pm TeaPot Cafe, dinner.
8pm Skip economics tuition. Went INC.
10pm home?
I'm bad.. I'm naughty. Don't learn any thing from me.
No emotion day. My face is like =.= this the whole wide day.
I talked alot.. Talk ketam.... Talk alot of ketam~ x]
Learn about ABC~
A: action
B: busy
C: confused
David asked.. Ee Min which one are you in?
Min : Err... For now.. I think I'm in the C category.
David : Oh? Am I going to fast?
Min : No no.. Not at all.. Just.. too much info's at once...
Weny + Andrew : Hahahahahahaha xD
Tmr is saturday I should be having Cadet Police & Kembara Ice Breaking Day. But most of my friends doesn't want to attend Cadet.. I don't dare to go myself.. Kembara.. I don't know whethear to go or not.. 8am the bunch wants to go for dim sum at SS2 maybe I'll join them.. =.=
I've lost 2 relatives in 2 weeks. It's all ceremonies.. No wedding.. Whats going on....?
I'm going to be a bride's maid on june. I hope I'll get some fresh mood there.
F.Y.I :
I am not going to look forward in any guys or any close relationship now. I don't think I'm ready.. Thanks to some guy I've lost faith in guys.. and I don't think I need one now. So don't disturb....
One more thing
I don't like my phone.. It's not ringing... Eventhough it rings.. It not your name. I'm not waiting for your call.. I'm not waiting for your short concern message either..
Studies and earning money is all that matters to me.
> lexis <
Thursday, February 26, 2009
When world ends??
It's a pleasant day. *i think* xp
Started off a raining morning. Heavy. Rain. =.= Luckily I bring my jacket to school. Or not I'll suffer from cold and cough x] Bless me~~~ Hmmm.. Yea I was suppose to be piss this morning, but who care I lazy to diu them ady.
Tuesday after school went Mid Valley with Andz, Huilyn, Wen, Angie & mii. Walk arpund brought a few stuff.. Helped my mom with her things. Kap zhai a little then we settle down at our last stop of the day at Steven's Tea Garden.
Wednesday after school went back field. It's not a fight thingy, just to show bravery & face. The girl's fght between form3 & form5. So you think is F5 bully small tiny kids la?? If you're thinking of that. Then you're wrong. x] Contact to me if you wanna know more. I'm lazy to type everything out. And I want to sleep~!! Anyway as you can see there is one photo up there, a police car at back field x] Luckily ''tai kor'' Andz, settled things with just talking. My whole class went to KPC. Not afraid to say, I'm there because I'm worried of my girl friends. x) During they're settling things.. Somebody called my phone.. So worried bout me... Wanted to get out of college and fetch me home straight away. =/ Talk on the phone till I reach my house's gate. So protective. -.- *insert name* don't want me to get into troubles.. As though I will.. Lol. x]
After that about 2:30pm I should be going P's house then go Ou one.. But some other thing occur so postpone to 3:30pm. My mom con me! Say bring me go sit car jalan jalan tim zhi is go fetch my dad, then go DJ *outside Atria KFC* see the shop, whether to buy or not. *Myfamily is going to start a new business! Selling chinese food =] I don't like the shop. Rental per month RM3K++ and!! The ceiling is damn low, papan on top also look like it's gonna fall anytime =.= I was lao gai-ing with my mom force her to fetch me to P's house right away. And stupid my lao gai was too lousy......... =.='' It's 3:15pm!! Appointment at 3pm that asshole came at 3:17pm WTH how to do business oh??!!! After seeing then pass to my aunt to make decision. My dad still slowly drive to Ou, drop him ady then have to take a document back to DJ main office. After that only can go P's house. I'm veyr angry in the car. xP Mom's fault ................. blek~!!! Reach her house at 4pm =..= Wen bu shuang liao........
Reach Ou first thing.. Pool!!!! xD cause got leng zhai so we play first only eat x] No result la.. just the fun of it only.... But! I saw Alvis & Janet.. My ex-co-worker :) Nandos was the lunch, Groove is the side orders, Zenmai is the desert x] I went Groove to take a letter and everyone what maing a hoo-haa on Chee How & I =.= lmao~~~~ I like my strawberry thingy at Zenmai!! Got corn flakes inside one xD Before Zenmai we went in quite a number of butik to try on cloths.. Sadly I didn't have the mood to try on.. x] Once after visiting Groove then no mood.. Don't know it's because of lack of sleep, my phone, atmosphere or just like that..... =.= Girls are very difficult to understand. Zhong zhi the whole is eat drink eat drink.. x]
Anyway~ *the main point* Tuesday night I came home late & it's during raining. Yea it's tuesday. I was half wet when I get into the car T.T Ermm... I was stunning at what just happen once I touch down the ground off the car, in front of my house. =.= *insert name* came straight up in front of me with a assistance holding the umbrella and *insert name* holding a towel. Big, thick, white towel. Rolled me up like sushi and rushes me into the house quickly. A glass of warm water was offered when i settled down. I was called to take a hot bath straight away, and I took an hour plus to end that bath. The whole week, every night when I was sick *insert name* took good care of me. Well *insert name* is doing more then he is to do. Very curious too, *insert name* I feel like *insert name* is just not like *insert name* these few days. I think I'll talk about ** till here ba.. =)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
This.. Is true and serious
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Tong Vfang Xien Qi
If I were given a day earlier
4 girls out of 5 is sat luin and drunk.
Har har har~!!
Sat luin tai sai ar?
Ya la! sat luin tai sai ah! you don't know ar?!! idiot~ fuck off la!
=.= so fierce for what?
Yup yup there goes everything. Emo post coming right up.
> lexis <
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Cause you were my sun, the moon
And you dance in my thoughts.
I get so angry at myself, I knew nothing,
So I turn on the lights and look around my room
The place where my eyes are faintly placed on
is where I placed the birthday present I didn’t throw away
and everything else I have of you
Cause you were my sun, the moon
You were my everything and
Everything in my room seems to miss you
If I get tired putting myself in harms way to find you
and forget for a moment
our hidden memories still linger
cause you’re still in my room
Wandering the sea of life, all the lost dreams
are in the corners of my desk drawers,
and you were hidden within them
A picture of you I found in a box, under a layer of dust
A love letter filled with my young heart
and everything else I have of you
Cause you were my sun, the moon
You were my everything and
Everything in my room seems to miss you
If I get tired putting myself in harms way to find you
and forget for a momentour hidden memories still linger
cause you’re still in my room
Even if I throw it away,
again and again
I want to call you
and see you smiling in front of me
I want to keep you right here
Cause you were my sun, the moon
You were my everything and
Everything in my room seems to miss you
If I get tired putting myself in harms way to find you
and forget for a momentour hidden memories still linger
cause you’re still in my room
Bye Bye~
Kelana Jaya Open Air Public Swimming Stadium
RM4 bucks per entry. Max 4hours. x]
Valentine dinner at Sushi Groove.
F-U-L-L-Y P-A-C-K-E-D ^^
> lexis <
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Nice evenning to play basketball
Friday 13/02/09
Yippie Cup, SS2
Dinner with Tracy
Thursday 12/02/09
The TeaPot Cafe
It had been a long time since the last time I step in Deli.
So I ordered my fav.
Mushroom Soup comes with the sandwich
A drink called Pamogenate.
Tracy and I shared everything.
And so.. My week was like this.. Accept for two days. I slept around 11pm at night the next day woke up around 3pm. Cool? x)
> lexis <
P/S : I think I better go to bed now. Going for a swim later. xp
I lost weight..
Betrayed.. In what sense leh? If he got another ''leg'' then I'll whack him and ''fei'' him x]
2. What will you do if you do not share the same feelings as the person who likes you?
Hmmm.. there is nothing can be done right?
3. What will your dream wedding be like?
Fairy tale wedding? Every deco in white.. red roses.. Errr... Don't know leh.. xP
4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
All the time~~
5. What's your ideal lover like? Cheerful, cool, tall, understanding, kind, mean, hmmm.. charming? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone else?
Both sides. Love from both sides. xP
7. If you know the person you like does not like you, will u go for another one?
I think I'll try to go for another. If there is really hopeless in my crush then I'll let go x]
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Heart broken for sure.. But after sometime I'll get over it easily
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently?
Yes, there is. And you'll never guess who's the one who hurted me =/
10. What do you want most in life?
Health? Happiness.. either
11. Is being tagged fun?
This tagged is quite fun.. others depends lo
12. If you find out that your best friend is going out with your boyfriend/girlfriend, how would you react?
I'll ask my boyfriend 1st what is going on then, the girl. I will never get mad without knowing what is going on between them. Until things are confirm as they are then I'll get mad or sorts
13. Who is currently the most important person to you?
Seriously? None....
14. What kind of person are you?
Understanding, Good listener, Quite Cheerful, Lazy, Out going, hmmm.. one of a kind? xD
15. Would you rather be single or married ?
Single but in a relationship.. have phobia on marriage xP
16. If the person you secretly like cannot recognize you, what would you do/how would you react?
W..o..w.. err.. Kick him in the arse!! whack him!! after that give him a kiss on the fore head then walk away ................. x]
17. Would you give your all in a relationship?
Only if I really have a 100% in our relationship. Eventhough if I love him like crazy but he doesn't I won't be that stupid to put in a 100%
18. If you fall in love with two persons simultaneously, who would you pick?
The one my heart desires x]
19. What type of friends do you like?- Loyal, nice, tolerable, understanding,outgoing, sociable, kind, open minded, crazy friends!
20. Are most of your friends in a relationship?
Erm.. no.. Most are heart broken.. Just got heart broken..
1. Kah Hoo
2. Amelia
3. Chee Sien
4. Hwei Wen
5. Audrey
6. Ivan
7. Angie
8. Kin Hei
9. Sureen
10. Rachel
Who is no.7 having a relationship with?
Angie : She is single and available x]
Who is no.9 having a relationship with?
Sureen : None
If no.9 and no.1 are together,will it be a good thing?
Kah Hoo & Sureen : it will need a miracle! I'll be happy for them la x]
What about no.1 and no.5?
Kah Hoo & Audrey : Omg. I'll be speechless..............
What is no.3 studying?
Chee Sien : Guess what we are int he same class~!
When was the last time you chatted with no.6?
Ivan : Now? Chatting on msn
Will you woo no.8?
Kin Hei : woo???
How about no.4?
Hwei Wen : She.. is.. a.. garl......
Does no.2 have any siblings?
Amelia : Erm.. i think she have a older sister
How did you get to know about no.3?
Chee Sien : A friend of mine introduced us x]
Hwei Wen : Form 1 classmates
Sama primary school got close during form4
Amelia : A friend's friend. x]
Where does no.1 live at?
Kah Hoo : If i'm right.. his permanent house is behin my house.. ''Half court''??
* Am i right??* Haha
How did you get to know no.10?
Rachel : Same primary school, Form 1 same class.. Cute girl x]
Is no.5 the sexiest person in the world?
Audrey : yes I guess xD
1. Does anyone know your password?
Not even one x]
No.2. What was the last thing you ordered at McDonalds?
Double cheeseburger
3. Are you an emotional person?
I don't think so. I get over sad things quite fast thought.. I mean better than my surrounding people la.. xP
4. Do you like your name?
At primary school not really.. But after that I'm getting to fall for it.. x]
5. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I do.. but it doesn't really work out thought.. *mid valley~~~*
6. Ever felt jealous of your friend?
My besties? Yes of course x] Girls best friends are always jealous of each other.. It's normal
7. What was the last thing you did?
Check my phone.. I just did.. Haha
8. Who's next to you?
9. Who was the last person you ate with?
My neighbour.. for dinner just now..
10. What song are you listening toright now?
Judy Chou - Lonely Theater Box
11. How's the weather right now?
Cold night x]
12. Last person you called?
Hwei Wen
13. Last song you sang?
TVXQ : Doushite ... The whole song!!! xD
14. Last time you danced?
Last week x]
15. Lost a friendship over something stupid?
Yeah.. regretted it.....
16. Last thing you ate?
Lamb chop xP
17. Been really depressed before?
18. Faked being sick to miss school?
19. What time did you wake up today?
20. Current taste?
Vanilla coke
21. What are you wearing right now?
White ko-op t-shirt and shorts
22. Are you too shy to ask anyone out?
Erm.. depends on who is it..
23. Where are you right now??
Hehe.. INC SS2
24. Current lover?
Mii, Me, Myself
25. What date and day is it?
3 March 2009 Tuesday 9:29pm
26. Did you go anywhere today?
27. What did you do there?
Sleep, Laugh, Emo, Study, Slacking........ xD
28. Do you call your parents by their first name?
Sometimes when I'm joking xD
29. Are you an only child?
Nope.. sometimes i wish i am.. or not even one
30. Where do you go shopping?
Sunway Pyramid
31. Do you like where you work?
Sushi Groove? Sometimes
32. Do you like books?
Yup.. Some! books only xP
OMG! Finally done!!!!!
> lexis <
161cm only arrrr........
I lost 2kg.. in one month...
Happy Valentine
But Loving him, wouldn't count a single thing that you did for him.
Liking him, maybe it's because his attitude is not bad
But Loving him, you will love even his worse attitude
Liking him, you will persuit him now to get under the rain
But loving him, you will have with him under the rain
Liking him, maybe it's because he is good
But Loving him, you can even love his weakness
Liking him, maybe it's because he listens to your problems
But Loving him, you'll still accept his complaints
Liking him, maybe you'll need a thousand reason
But Loving him, you don't need to have a single reason
You just need to love him, and he loves you.
You can't describe his pure liking.
Liking, is the surface of love.
Loving is deeply likes.
Post this to those you appreciate.
* Translate from chinese message*
> lexis <
Love is Timeless
Anyway I hope we are just pure platonic friends.
I've learn korean words xD
> lexis <
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Whole Afternoon
We had lunch at The Teapot Cafe this afternoon.
A long long chat..
Having accounts tuition later at 7:45pm..
Before that I'm going basketball xD
> lexis <
A Beautiful Return
A conversation at 3:30am this morning.
Receive :
What are you doing at the mean time?
Sent :
Staring at the moon on a sofa next to the balcony, the lights are out.
The moon is shining in.
I'm wondering how come the stars shine so brightly tonight..
Receive :
The stars are shining brighter, showing you a bright future.
You don't often get to observe the skies beauty.
Hence, savor the moment you have.
I wonder, will the blue moon shine?
Sent :
What do you mean by ''blue moon shine''?
But I've have something here~!!
Don't wonder, the blue moon will only shine when a cow flies over it. xD
Receive :
Blue moon = beautiful and rare thing. What you thought wor?
Sent :
A blue moon will shine on a special time, at a special place.
Together with a special person beside.
Receive :
=.= Sometimes you surprise me..
But it all depends on how it is interpreted and how it's delivered.
Hax. What do you guys think? Funny or meaningful? x)
I was absent again in school. This week 2 days no schooling jor. Min cannot like that leh. T.T
Why am I absent? Because of Cleo-ee lo =.= That ben tan gal.
When I was just out from the bath room *blurring*
Mom : Xue just called. Ask you to teman her to K.L area today. If you got nothing important in school then teman her la.
Me : Huh?? *seriously? can just ponteng??* Oh. Okay.
So I went back and sleep till 8am plus. About 9am I went her hotel, had dim sum for breakfast then off to Pavilion. Tim zhi. We are suppose to meet 2 guys at Pavilion on 11am. 2 other guys at KLCC at 12pm. WTH~!!
After we had watch a movie which is around 2pm to 3pm Cleo set off with her boyfriend. Obviously I got dumped with other 3 guys. =.=
Because I was tired with my heels and also hungry, we decided to try out The Apartment. It was a beautiful place for couples and rich fine diners. I didn't need to pay the bill. =.= So obvious. So so so obvious. =.= Urgh I hate this. So I'm going to cut it short. Real short.
We met Cleo and Joseph back around 7pm.. Had dinner together then Cleo and I went home. You wouldn't want to know what we chat during dinner and lunch. I reach home exactly before 9pm didn't get scolding. =.=
Took bathe ady, my legs was killing because of my heels. I almost brought a new pair of heels when me and the guys were window shopping. =.= I bet I won't need to paid for my heels if I were to buy one that time. I don't know these guys are too generous or just trying to get me in hand. Lol.
Anyway I drawn something after bathe. Something regarding to ballerinas. I was once.... Always was once.
> lexis <
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Swallow The Words Down My Throat
The picture I drawn, it means something
Why moonlight?
I was sitting next to my window in my room that evening..
Staring at the brightly shine moon..
I saw a photo I down loaded *From the Internet you can see it in my slide show.
I started drawing it.. *To me everything was fine.. Just that I'm not good in drawing humans.
I skipped that.
Because I am sitting by the window side, moonlight is shining in.
Just at the right time I received your message.
I wrote your words down.
The next day, I drawn 2 other nature scene.
Both have meanings, both have their own specialities.
The drawing is done, not the words.
x] Maybe I'll post it up soon.
Thanks for showing that you care.
> lexis <
Monday, February 9, 2009
All In One
After school, Andrew-JYee-JingWei-PohPui-HweiWen-WeiMenn-Jason+his friends-LeakPeak & I went McD for lunch. McD was very full~ as in f-u-l-l.. xD
At 2pm majority of us having home tuition at Andrew's Brother's Girlfriend's house.
Her name is Jasmine.. Our new maths & science tuition teacher.
After tuition went back home grab books then straight to tuition.. Pasar malam tonight was b-o-r-i-n-g.. Somebody was on the phone all the while.. Zzz
Anyway I have another post to write on my vox. xD
12:50pm > lexis <