Sunday, March 22, 2009

Dreams & Reality

There is so much to say...

1st Night
We were at Switzerland Caesar Ritz College.. It's near a lake.. But we are in the school, at a pool.. Next to the lake.. A very deep pool.. That can fit a ferry.. or was it a cruise? Anyway.. I was a newbie in that college.. I join the marine.. Which we have activities on that ferry/cruise.. A girl senior and a guy senior.. Plus me equal 3 persons.. We get to know each other and have lots of fun.. Everyday after class I go there straight.. We 3 are great friends..

2nd Night
Usual after class I went there again.. The ferry/cruise was under water.. I stand on top of the ferry/cruise then it came up.. Xue Ge was ''driving'' the ferry/cruise.. No idea what hit him.. He got pull down into the deep water.. No matter how deep Xue Jie and I swam there is no sign of him.. We rush to the headmistress's room.. Professional people coming with robs and divers to check.. Still no sign.. View from the school's hall to the pool is very near.. Yet feeling so far.. My heart was broken into tiny pieces.. Xue Jie was too depress with what just happen.. After days of searching there is still no news of him.. They gave up and our ''club'' was demolish.. I woke up with warm tears flowing down my peal face..

3rd Night
It was my hometown.. It was with Him again.. There is a few Japanese komunis here.. Him & I together with some relatives.. Neighbours are forced to treat them very nicely.. Very fast.. We killed them one by one.. Soon there is only one left.. We fight just in that small compound.. Throwing bombs without fire.. Shooting guns where you'll never see a bullet coming out but that fella still dies.. This brave man hide in a bushes.. Together we trowed all our bombs towards him.. When we all thought it has come to an end.. Suddenly a dark brown in colour, middle age lady appear.. Our bombs aren't bombs.. It turn out to be tornado.. Just surrounding her.. She is suffering.. Till her last breath.. All the villages.. All my young relatives came out from the house and all of us leaved this house..
As when I were about to leave with my relatives.. He catch hold of my hand.. We ran.. Ran as far as we can. The next scene, we are at a place which looks like Jusco.. We are in dirt.. He choose a very sweet dress for me.. And he got him self a nice looking outfit.. Next second it was kid's zone.. Fitting room.. At the very end of the fitting room section.. There was 2 fitting room to take bathe.. It was similar to others fitting room.. The door is close fully.. But top quarter is open and bottom quarter is open.. How cool? Their shower is very modern.. They even have shampoo in it for you. It smells really very good. After we both finish bathing.. He plan to take me to dinner. But a phone rang.. He got to rush to don't-know-where..
Out of sudden.. Mia, Jer, Soong, Yoong came in between us and gave me a chocolate cake.. Mia called me to cut the cake for everyone.. He just left.. Just like that.. I was down after he left.. After what we have gone through.. ''War'', ''Escaping''.. ''Sweet things'' he did for me..? Oh never mind.. Everyone is enjoying the cakes.. I was stunning there.. Holding my cake.. On my hands..

I woke up.. Trying so hard to remember what I've just dreamed of.. Yesterday I stayed over night at my hometown, Mantin.. I can't sleep till 3am.. Have to wake up at 5:30am for Ching Beng.. I keep on wondering will I dream of anything tonight? Since I'm not at my own home I guess no..

5:50am breakfast..
Went cemetery at 7am..
Settle prayers at cemetry at 11am ++
Reached home still need to pray twice..
Everything was done around 12:30pm..
Having headache slept till 1:30pm..
Lunch at 1:40pm..
Reach home-home at 4pm..
Now here I am..

Tomorrow.. I'm gonna be very nervous.. I'm suppose to duet a violin demo at Amanda Hotel for the Suzuki Conference with Shareen.. She's a staff and a part time piano teacher at Mirado.. She just started taking violin this year.. She learned Suzuki volume 1& half of volume 2.. I'm a grade5 student.. I think my aunt is putting too high hope on both of us.. Fri, Sat and later I'm going Ou to practices.. My fingers are in pain.. And 'Miss' Shareen is taking this two weekend off for a friend's wedding... Tomorrow is the conference.. Friday she told me I might be leading this ''team'' She haven even finish grade one. And the seminar is till volume 3 of the Suzuki book.. Which is around grade3 standard.. OMG why can't Aunty choose somebody high grade a little bit with me?? =.=

so tired
> lexis <
of everyone

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