Is fading awayHappy White Valentine!!!
Funny~~ I set my alarm at 11:15am, 11:30am and also 11:50am..
It will automatically ring 9minutes after every set ted time.
But I woke up at 12:45pm........
xD because I off the alarm e-v-e-r-y-t-i-m-e it rang...
Kah Ying & i

Kah Ying

u.s again

wei menn a.k.a tracy

So I went for piano class at 1:30pm. I reached late.. about 1:40pm. It was killing~! Teacher called me to play everything.. Means 3 pieces + the whole scales book T.T every song every scales was good.. because I practice at home.. like finally~~ but! not for the 3rd piece . . . Because it's darn hard! and I didn't really like to practice that one xP
So after piano class I went straight to Ou. 2:50pm at 1st I didn't plan to join K.Y and Menn for KTV but what am I gonna do alone for 2 hours++?
On~ my~ way~ to Neway... guess who i met? x] someone far away but very close.. You'll never know~ hahaha!!

Ou new wing~! Camp5 was having something interesting.. was it camp5? don't know la.. xD
i saw 4 guys batting.. they suck at it.. hahaha~
This was after violin class was a mess also @.@ my 3rd piece suck. and you know what?!
23rd March Mirado is organising a Suzuki Conference at Amanda Hotel.. A man from japan which Suzuki's junior is giving a talk. =.= and I'm suppose to lead Mirado.. means? Some students or teachers will demo and Mr. VIP will conduct/correct us.. So as the ''tuan rumah'' I have to do the demo.. OMG!!!! I have to practice every song in the suzuki from now onwards!

Yeah~ Amy was suppose to fetch me from Ou to Curve but.. she don't know why got stuct in the jam so I waited for
Mr.Transformer for 2hours in Ou.. =.=

Pleo~ evonne is working in Borders but under Pensonic. 1st day of work then kena lecture for not-her-fault-thingy so she @#%&* look at her! so exhorted~ i'm wearing her qq topi ^^

in the ladies~

and this was our dinner.. xD 1st time having this in Ikea.. Damn cool huh!

look like some fine dining restorent xD

O.o i it red wine? it's pepsi la!! xD

view from inside to outside


this is Mr.Transformer's thingy that he hang on his new phone.. It's a guitar pick with word of Nokia cuff on it x]
ahh.. don't tell me this you don't know xD

I think we should have this board in my school's canteen x)

Ikea~ I don't like the feeling with all these on top.. it freak me out xP

it's like never ending

so to destress it..
Mr.Transformer pull
me to play chair.. LoL xD

Look what I found! It's our lost lost friend ShaSha!!!

Going back to play mahjoong loo.. Oh Ya!! I saw Alvis on the way to car park! Ooo he look so man.. But once he open his mouth . . . the man become gurl jor.. o.o

just random pics.. the ticket paying machine is not working.. So Mr.Transformers went down a lever to pay x] dim zhi he wallet is in my handbag xD farnny~
and so this was the topi I was wearing.. whichit doesn't click with my outfit today.. So it's w-e-i-r-d.. xD
ta mahjoong anyone? Played till 1:30am.. Sent evonne home then I online loo~ x] Overall today was a fun and tired day.. ^^ heard someone got scolding from somebody and somebody and I flip face eventually.. So I don't want to care anymore. Somebody walk his/her own way I walk my own way.. Thats it x]
> lexis <
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