A day started off will a long complicated duty list. Scanning thru the list can give you eye sore. I don't believe that I actually push a side those silly listed duties.
I'm not tired
I'm not frustrated
Just something..
Bothering me
You can say it's a temporary smile
A call to yam cha at 10:30pm.. shockingly I reject. And the whole thing canceled.. I'm curious. Am I the main person for today's drinking section..? I might be tired that time.. But if I'm tired.. I won't be here now.. Because it's 3:22am. I'm guessing that.. I changed.
Because of stress of family. Someone so generous talked to me about this matter today. I realise.. yes it is this matter. I'm not rich, my family is not too. God parents? Now I think I'm spoilt.. By their riches and love.
I don't want big houses, this gives me complication. When I'm at their family, I'm spoilted. When I come back to mine, I have to set back to my own life that I've live for 17years.
I don't want sparkling cars, drop me off anywhere and everywhere at anytime of the day.
I don't want fancy dresses, that make me even more materalistic
I don't latest electronic gagets, it would be irrisistable next time if I don't own one fast.
I don't want a life filled only with joy, because without sadness who could I learn joy?
I don't want a boy friend for free, I want to walk my own path to find the right guy.
I don't want to loose my life, that old me.. has gone far away.
I don't want to live like all this.
Because I know one day I have to stand alone without you guys, I have to learn to be more indepentend, more intelligent, and I don't want to be a teenage girl who is spoilt by her god parents.
I appreciate. Really I do. For every single little you have done for me. But a baby can never stay on the crawling stage.
Thank you, father mother.
> lexis <
p/s : One word from you and it filled my day with laughter in my heart.
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