nothing matters to you
My own made
Ladies handbags from China
Anyone interested to take a look?
I've a dozen at home
Aunt is going to open a shop @ Atria
Just to start of a new era
I've forgotten which day was it..
Wednesday? or Tuesday?
3 colour nai cha
Poh Pui introduced in her coffee shop
You were just here
While I was sitting at my fav table
This.. this uncle, wearing red colour shirt.
Is a bian tai lao
F.Y.I sex maniac
@ first he offer us a bowl of mee
then a cup of drink maybe?
then he ordered pepsi for us
after that! before he leave
he drop a note to Poh Pui
gosh man!
go fly kite la
This is definitely Thursday.
@ Kayu, Chao Yang
Pasar malam remember?
It's Poh Pui cellphone.
I've got nothing much to do that time..
Behind me was a bunch of schoolmate
who I didn't want to meet.
See what I mean?
This was 2nd round.
When we met up with Poh Pui's mom
Taking away dinner @ Kayu
and this was just outside Kayu
I've no idea how it taste like.
But it do look delicious
I found this at my bookshelf
Shock eh?
Yes I am
and I have no idea what does this mean
Went Mid Valley with Poh Pui
instead of joining Ryan they all to Pavilion
Monsters are attacking Mid Valley anyway
Be careful of your wallet
or should I say your $$
and then we went to next door~
The Gardens
View from Borders
We brought something famous..
and have no idea where to eat it
We end up here
Eating this
Today's theme is black..
Yeh.. can't see my swollen eyes
Saturday noon, PC Fair @ KL Convention Centre
Always support LG
Cleo brought a LCD Flat Screen TV
and look what's playing that time I get there.
SNSD - Gee
We took the LRT back to Evonne's place and headed to OU
Had SubWay for dinner *my lunch*
Then we went to visit our best friends
So many of them
And look who I found??
After walking around OU
Ryan, Max & Cleo went home
Lun, Evonne, Amy & I went yamcha
@ Old Town White Coffee , 3TwoSquare
after checking out Amy's PC @ Digital Mall
Another day's theme
Cool thing. definitely.
Free give for purchasing the LCD screen @ LG
It's a 2GB thumbdrive
Candid took by Amy
because I was frustrated by the heat and my headache
almost fell off the stairs at home that night
> lexis <
p/s : I've been reading Potter ever since I found it
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