Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hurt? No.. x]

I'm perfectly fine

After dinner.. after the horror movie at home..
Amy, Evonne & I went Kayu yamcha..
LoongLoong can't make it because he's not feeling well..
I didn't know got ball to see ne xD
Man Utd vs Wio or something.. can't see nicely..
haha! MU won 5-0 leh.. damn pro!!
right after the movie then most of the guys ciao ady.. haha
after seeing so many flowers yesterday.. this morning I found out inside my room also got flowers ne.. hahaha!
Opened my eyes at 7:30am, waking up from bed at 9:10am xD
lai chuang lai dao hen li hai... hahaha

Went to Atria my aunt's shop at 10am till just now 4pm
so darn boring.. plus I'm not pro enough.. whole morning didn't sell any..
But this few bags are my fav.

lastly this pick x]
if it's chocky blue then I'll buy it straight away!
came home had my ''breakfast'' then online.. till now.. hahaha!


Uhm.. actually I got things to say.. but.. you know la.. my brain.. a little lack kei one.. so forgotten ady.. xD bu yao ma wo oh.. hahahaha

> lexis <

p/s : experiment 626 is?????
I found another friend who got half of your personality..... is a good thing right?.....

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