*~ tall barrier ~*
Tuesday 3rd Nov 2009
Woke up at 10:40am.
Went StarBucks around 11am, meet up with PohPui, CheeSien & HweiWen. Met Andrew, WeiSoong, Lisa, KarMan & some Cempaka class people.
StarBucks SS2 have become our latest, library.
People even leave their books on the table and left to lunch. Even worse is, they snatches tables, while others customers are still on that table. OMG. Even though you guys are in smart class, but you'll are still lack of morality. NO OFFENCE.
See? The smartS~
Lunch @ Brazil Rest.
Chocolate Chip
went One Utama searching for something
SS2 Yippee Cup
Raining wor.. how to go home?
After having my dinner at Yippee Cup, we went over to McD to wait for my Dad, he's meeting he's friend-Justin there for some assignment. ^^ ben ben de Oppa~
Reach home around 10pm.. bathe, watched Gossip Girl, slowly blow hair.. Lols.. have quite some number of calls.. Slept around 12:30am.. I dozed off waiting for her reply =/
I changed my shampoo into this brand.
it's not bad though ^^
Ini ialah
Jenny Humphrey
Gossip Girl
Hai si huan ta ma?
Nice legs =]

Hero JaeJoong
Jeez.. Today I felt like this.
blurrr in mind, day-dreaming, peace & quiet

Ee Min
*~ occurs ~*
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