attended school in the morning ar usuall, because have to hand in our sivic project that we only use less than 48 hours to finish a 3months work sheet. So it's a little lack of here and there.. LoL. After school I was exocted T_T didn't sleep the whole night, thanks to me andmy sister. She kept the line-modem wire and kept me finding for it the whole night. I planned to use the line to look for details about cigratte's ingrediants. =.= NVM lets skip theseTook nap in the afternoon~ woke up at 4pm. Skipped lunch and went piano class. After my class which ends at 7pm, Enic called and inform me we are going to watch a movie called Dance, Subaru! She said WE gotta go queue up to redeem free ticket from GSC, and also Star Newspaper.
I did read about this Subaru thingy in the newspaper at school, thinking it won't be the TVXQ one ba.. so turn page loh.. TIM ZHI it's really them! Soundtrack BOLERO is sang by TVXQ & also have BOA it in. x]
And so we went OU-->

Special appearance by TVXQ!
So after we get the tickets we went to Mr.Baoz =]

Last piece.............. T.T eat only la.. Zzzz
This was my dinner Enic brought for me. Because we are rushing and no one at home want to eat early so cooked some simple dish for me. LoL.. thanks anyway, it didn't make me feel full.
Hahaha! it's a repeated picture
Star says it will be giving out 160 ticket that one hour.
I didn't enjoy eating it la...... xP pai seh
I guess ''someone'' will be very exited now? Hahax
Okay. When a man came to give out the tickets, Enic thought of calling Amy t see whether is she interested to watch or not. Luckily the man is still busy, I ran to opposite the PLUS shop to buy newspaper just to get the small piece of paper to exchange the 2 tickets.
And yes. Rushing to pay and ''cut'' that small piece of paper is really priceless for my actions that few minutes. The counter guy is looking at me as though I'm robbing him. =.=
After killing the piece of paper, I left the WHOLE newspaper there.. just like that. xD after having 4 tickets, I told Enic.. Guess her reaction. Hahaha
I saw Rickman! OMG!!
1st time when we are queueing up for pop corns. Enic stopped me to take picture with me. I mean.. Of course la.. he's with a bunch of cute, good looking and tall guys. If I go there alone.. It will really not be me that time. It will be the-insane-Ee-Min.
2st time is in the cinema! WE ARE IN THE SAME CINEMA! waahh cow leh. xD when the movie over and they walk pass my seat. Staring at them + calling his name towards my sister.. Suddenly he look at me, I just wave my hand and smile lohhhh... WALIAO EH! He acknowledge back too! xD I can't stop thinking of his smile for that one hour man. Until we finish our yam cha section also still talking about him xD
3rd time was at the car park. Quite close thought.. But I jus took a glare at him la.. Then we went into the lift section already.
and I accidentally push the stupid big heavy door a little too hard and it hit a auntie. OMG I'm was so sorry that time and kept on appologising and trying to find out did it really hit her hard on the back. You know what the auntie said?
You ah.. really terrible.
MY REACTION-WAS-LIKE............... excuse me...??? what?!
yeah.. after that I just walk away from her. Also because there is more people behind me wants to come in. LoL. That auntie aahhhhhhh............................. You bu shuang me I also bu shuang you! xP
Okay what ever~
Amy thinks I'm annoying because I keep on talking about Rickman.. Hahaha and and and! When we are at the traffic light outside OU, the yellow car owner is DAMN PERASAN! I was staring at the big screen tv and he thought I was looking at him. Then don't know why whole girls in the car wondering why is he looking too. Till the 29 degree Celsius came out from my mouth and everyone laugh.. Lol seriously. We only stopped laughing till we reach SS2. My god.......... xD
I mean.. Why not? I fancy him I admit. SO? Is there a problem with that? Come on.. If you met your idol.. I bet your reaction will be similiar to mine. Maybe even worse. xP
> lexis <
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