WVC Trio entrance ticket

My nails I was talking about..

Sentul West - Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre [ KL PAC]

Outside - really nice view
can sit down and feed the fish =D

Got Japanese restaurant some more xD

Walk way~

Okay go up 2nd floor ady~

If there is a fire...... DO NOT PANIC!! There is a floor plan for you to run out!!

Turn right to entrance, turn left to back stage
where you wanna go?
Back stage la of course!!
But got locked by pin code . . . .

In the cafeteria down stairs.. entrance turn right
very romantic~ cause very dark. only lamp on top and candles on the table

Da stage


My group of people
Teacher Joanne, Irene, Sharyn & Eddie

Ee Min sit at level E number 15

Ya~!!! going to start xD

Oooo finish liao loo.. bo liao loo.... supper looo...... xD Because of some rights, we are not allow to take photos during the performance.. or recording.. something like that. So to save face and be a good girl in front of the teachers.. I don't take photo lo.. Hahaha
Sharp at 8:40pm start =] with a bombastic song. End at 10:38pm. It's all jazz la for your info =] I like a few songs compose by them. Adam's something - rain's conversation, Vincent's - Don, Tay Cher Siang's CST.. Yeah I can only remember these names.. and one is called Curry Chicken but it's in Portuguese name so obviously I don't know la xP It was great seriously =D My seating was fourth roll from the stage =)
Thanks to somebody for the ticket. kamsahamnida~!
> lexis <
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