Thursday 11 June 2009
I woke up at 2pm that day.. Went Jaya One to get my breakfast.. HahaThis is Chocolate Durian from Just Heavenly. Next to Cold Storage, Jaya One.
It's delicious duuuhhhh~! x)
1st layer Chocolate
2nd layer Coffee
3rd layer Durian [fresh ]
4th layer Chocolate
Another-nice-cake la xD
After ''breakfast'', went OU for my violin accompaniment. By Irene teacher. It's.... not very good though T_T
Friday 12th June 2009
Meet Kah Hoo, Phuay Yee his sister & Brandon his cousin at Bahagia LRT Station
Meet Kah Hoo, Phuay Yee his sister & Brandon his cousin at Bahagia LRT Station
then we went to KLCC to attend a piano concert
This picture was taken when I was waiting..
He's so cute~
This 2 photo taken by him..
Don't know fo what also...
Yes yes.. I know for what ady..
Shows he has comfortable shoes and my heels is killling me
Reach home makan with Marcus.. But look at him.
LOOK! Dia sat luin.....?? Wo bu zhi dao lo..
Keep mumbling over there... Scary~ hahaha
Violin class at 4pm kat OU
I want to stay back to use one of the room to practise my piano and vioilin but Mom just don't seems to understand my plan..
So she fetch me home.. with my smelly face.. xP
Can't help it sorry.. cause girl's best friend is here to visit..
LoL if you don't understand then you'll be named S.T.U.P.I.D
After that I went home and sleeeep~ till dad is home.. Me and him went to Chamber Music, Sungai Wang.. =)
> lexis <
p/s : I didn't realise it was this late xD
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