Monday, June 29, 2009

Just The Day Before Time

Okay I have no idea what does the title means

I.. erm.. Slept for 2 hours yesterday.. Thursday I'm going to donate blood in school.. *pray I don't faint* I mean.. I'm not that weak. LOL.. Err.. I was extremely highper in the morning right after going OU and after Murni. So the drinks make me high.. LOL Then when I want to on the line and up date my blog that time............ My dearest sister changed the pass word. wtf~ I'm damn angry that time lo. Hmmph

Anyway was stilla little pist off while I reach school. But when it reaches PJK lesson, was high until like chi sin punnya orang.
I know and realise I shouldn't be upsad of this kind of stupidity & also thanks to my father he gave a brain storming quest too. =.=
So have fun under the sun playing badminton on the field.. Right after PJK is recess, don't know why.......... I go fight with Liew Poh Poh~ the Poh~ Pui~~ fighting food la.. drinking her drink la.. Wanted to mix her drink one but very cha in acting so bocor ady.. Lolx.. But she put a ice cube in my shirt leh! Sooooooo unfair. xD when I put one into her shirt then we ran all the way till Ko-op. xD Stupid vincent was behind while we started playing xP
well.. who cares? I and him tak de laa lang anymore x]

Hmmmm.. Going back class.. Pp saw her ** keep on calling me.. I thought she wanna revenge.. hahax.. tim zhi~ ^^ miss the chance of seeing him clearly jor.. Lolx

Happy-sad-happy-frustrated-happy-confuse-damn HOT
Zzzzzz whole in school liek this only lo.. =.= now waiting for papa to come back.
I gotta go OU with Pp.

> lexis <

p/s : i bu shuang you step my shoe lo. if you help me to wear back then okay la. Hmph!
m**** f*** prefect!

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