Say A Lil' Something
*~ being such a fool ~*
Monday!! A new start? But I've bang my own schedule yesterday night it self. =[ I slept at 2am instead of 12am. I mean.. I dozed off.
F.T Triple
Double Date
Love Letter MV
Choi Jong Hoon : Choi Min Hwan : Lee Jae Jin
200 Pound Beauty
Watched this movie on saturday night.
Miss the 45minutes in front.
Gonna buy this ORI DVD too
Original Soundtrack of 200 Pound Beauty
A few songs I liked in the movie.
It's all here ^^
Specially Byul
So cute right?
Creative. Very.
Treble Clef
My dearest DongBang
Shanghai Concert on 2nd Oct
This must be singing Love In The Ice
the coolest part!

Micky- YooChun
prince of piano

Hero - JaeJoong
the angelic one ^^

Max - ChangMin
Ooh Dear please be careful!!

The best group leader
U-Know YunHo

U-Know endorsing Evisu
very very cool design of necklace


Nothing much done this morning, just went to school and chitchat. If I really want to study and I seriously got to study.. I'll take permission from teacher and lock myself in the library. Or stuck myself in one corner of the class and study quietly or insanely. Haha. That's what Pn.Chong my english teacher said to us. ^^
In the morning I seriously didn't want to go to school. More like I didn't want to wake up though. Lack of sleep, it really makes me feel lazy in the morning. So people, let me sleep when I want to sleep. If it's over the time, then please push me to bed. Hahaha! No it's not your fault, or your fault. I got hungry in the middle of the night, then can't sleep right after eating, so continue to chat. Haha Ooops.
The reason why I want to attend school and why at last I went is because..... There is PJK, and Pn.Lee who teaches my class moral, said she will be discussing the Trial Exam answers and way to answer the questions with us today. So because of that I went. But guess what?! PJK was bored. There is no PJK at all. Pn.Ernice is looking after volleyball friendly match at basketball court, and we girls is sitting at teres, burning our leg to death. Then teacher said there will be a relift teacher bring us down. Girls, you know girls right, dislikes the sun, so all of them went back class, half of the reason is because Surita & Alan is walking up and down the teres. LoL.
I got so darn bored, and cold in class, I went down teres alone. Sat there, get under the sun, feel so warm ^^ Till 9:50am, there is when all the 3 games end, and the form3 & form4 go for recess. The only thing I can do is go back to class and chitchat. Everyday attend school, wait for recess, then wait for school over. LIFELESS wei. By as well go to the library near Assunta Hospital to study right? =.= I can't study at home. I CAN'T.
Oh.. 26 more days to SPM. I've got the schedule for SPM already. Just now Pn.Zainun our class teacher gave us. One person take one, and need to sign your big name on her list-of-taken. LoL. So I can't help you girls to take, alright? But you can find it on the web. That's what ChinYee they all said. But I don't know how. Well, Google is very useful. =]
I got my nails cut in school today. Just a period before or was it after recess? Anyway Pn.Harminder came in with a few prefects, but luckily they only check nails and hair. Not like I brought something illegal, but cutting my nails in school is not nice. Now my nails feel kena rap already. LoL!
Baaa.. I've got 2 essay from2 friends to do. Haha. Got a really lame title. Finally change it. 2 hours, 350words. When and where should I start?
I know when it comes to the time when I finally fall in love with you
Your heart won't be with me already.
It always like this.
What goes a round, Comes a round.
I know, I understand.
But still, I don't want to let you go.
Don't ask me why, because I don't even know.
Maybe I should just live with it now and not start a fight.
When it comes to the time when it's my turn to get hurt,
Then just let it hurt.
Because I don't know how to prevent it by coming.
So many people call me to purpose again,
Most of my friends said you're a good guy.
But I know, we came to the end already.
We can never be together.
Yes..2 years ago?
A foolish excuse to push you away
The 1st guy I met in school this morning.
How hurtful? Your class is just below mine.
I don't own your new number,
You don't reply on msn nor mails.
Is it not obvious enough that you don't want to claim back?
I just want our friendship.
Nothing else.
Don't want to hurt you again.
> Ee Min <
note : I haven had my lunch. Feel like eating rendang + nasi briyani
*~ have it all. Princess. ~*
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