Wednesday, October 7, 2009

You Got Me On My Knees

*~ electronic gadget freak ~*

At first.. when LG have this chocolate in 3 types..
I was a little excited over it 

LG Chocolate Flip

Then when I started using S.E 
This came out months after I've got my S500i


And then when my phone got ''sick''
I liked J-Yee's & See Hui's phone
Look something much like that


and then when my godparents is back they offered this

iphone 3G S

and then the sh Max going to buy this.
if buy 2 then got special offer

do you have any idea how hard is it to push away this two offers???!!! 

Nokia N97

since I can't and I don't want to have such expensive phone..
I lay low and check out cheap phones ^^

Jerynn & ChoiYoong got their LG Ice Cream together
at a offer price 

LG Ice Cream

Haha and now my S500i is officially dead.
at the same time, PohPui brought this W508i

I compare it with LG, W980i and one more SE Tphone.
This phone is still better than others.


Was it RM700+ of almost RM800. 

So I'm gonna cut cost on my phone expenses till SPM is over.
Then I'll buy this phone. Or something else better if there is one.
Anyone wanna sponsor a little? ^^

Either I'll get LG Ice Cream or W508i
> Ee Min <

note : is going to SS2 soon, to take S500i into it's graveyard

*~ half desperate to get a new phone ~*

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