Sunday, May 31, 2009
Crazy Timing
I'm awake because of this dumb dumb girl other there
but I'm not sleep nor tired
crazy lo...
sakai just came back from Switz.... smart betul take plane reach at mid night =.= tmr sunday ah............................................
can sleep longer
> lexis <
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Still Prom

Cesianne is a Spirit cloven in two. While everything in life is not black and white - Cesianne is like yin and yang, on one side she is kind, beautiful and loving and on the other she has a darker more fearsome side. So long as she remains held together by the light crystal at her forehead her balance is harmonious and neither side takes precident.
This beautiful mask is tied with matching black and white striped ribbon and black picot edge ribbon. The mask itself is backed with a matching black felt lining making it comfortable to wear for long periods of time or an excellent finish for an ornamental decorative piece.

Serume the Spirit of Frost
> lexis <
This is what I want to say
Of the morning comes
I open my eyes with love and sing
Only for you
For you I love you only you
Filled with my restless heart
With words smoother than the fragrant of scent of coffee
I look towards you
Do you know
I know you feel it too
The words of your heart is "love"
I hear it now
I see it now
This timid feeling that is more beautiful than any flower
Look towards me
Hold my hands tightly
Such a happy feeling
Such a bilnding fate
I smile at the scent of love
Whenever the wind blows
I gently close my eyes
And whisper a charm of love
So that you may feel my heart
Look into my eyes
That is filled with my restless heart
As warm as a magical kiss
Please accept my feelings
I will promise
That our hands will always be together
Such a happy feeling
Such a bilnding fate
Let's get drunk oof the scent of love
I love you and you alone
From the first time we met, I knew we would be friends
You had a different air than others that I knew
I am also alone in this world I’ve come to know
Finally, I’ve met someone like you
I know that I might’ve been a bit cold at times
But that was just the way I dealt with all my fears
You took the first step to show I don’t have to be alone
And now I, I know I love you
I will be waiting for you
Don’t care how long it may take
I will always be right here
When you need to laugh or cry
You let me know
When you are ready to love
And I will rush to your side
To sweep you into my arms
Maybe one day you’ll know the love that I’ve kept inside
I know love comes with pain; it’s so hard to erase
All that I’m asking is for you to let me stay here
Don’t be scared; you can lean on me
I know I’ve found the one when I look into your eyes
I will wait by your side till you can give me your heart
To You My Dearest
Is This What They Call L.o.v.e?
I swear to myself before that I will stay as brave as a tiger for standing alone is not easy. I've always convince myself that everything would be fine. It's only a true friend I seek out there all the while. A person who cares from the bottom of one's heart. I have not met one didn't I? Or I've miss it myself when it came into my life? Did I chase the innocent soul away?
Or should I consider you as my faithful friend? But I've always felt awkward to tell you some things.. I'll feel guilty or sorry after sharing my problems or a person whom I admire to you. I'm afraid that I will hurt you without knowing that I did. I have always treat you as my brother and it's hurtful enough for a guy like you. I dare not speak about us.. I do not have the courage to face you.. So our meeting is always delayed.. I feel so bad that I'm treating you this way.
I often think that leaving our friendship to an end is the best way. But once again another bleed in you. I fear to admit that we're closer than before. I fear to face the fact that I feel comfortable talking to you. But it's wrong. Because.. all these is not made in reality.. All these is thru electronic gadgets.. I know it can not last long to further our friendship. But I do not know why I fear to meet you. I am so sorry I am doing this again. By not telling you straight but writing in public. What am I doing now is going to cause a deep scar... Foolish me. Had to be alone for few days.
There was once I was touched by you. Confuse is it love or purely friendship? Wondering words that you said before does it still count? Once I reach this question... I change my thoughts straight away. Maybe we were meant to be friends, soul mates.. Maybe we are just each other's passer by. Letting each other learn our lesson.. All this came into me. I've no idea what is wrong with me tonight. Sometimes I miss talking to you. But all we only talk is sea food
I know all this is not worth spending time on.. For most of the time you get on my nerves.. I guess I will face high blood pressure soon =/ Knowing that our conversation have no points but I still want to see your name appear as a new message in my inbox... Realising I'll get mad if you didn't message me for days.. Sometimes it make me bet with my self that you will text me the next morning.. and yes... you did. Unbelievably all my mood swing and my misbehave doesn't cause you any headache.. or it did but I didn't realise again.. You're spoiling me in a way.. In future I need and hope that my partner will sometimes encourages me on doing the right thing, sometimes fool with me.
I'm afraid.. very scared that something will adjust us again. Sooner or later I will hurt you again. Maybe even now. I am very scared about that. But not telling all these feeling kept inside.. It's getting harder to breathe.. What I know, what I've experience about love is.. I'll can't live without him. I'll miss him every second even thought we just met. I'll go crazy over one soft text message he sent. But all these feelings.. Did not occur
So I think we really should stop connecting each other for some time. I think I have to readjust my personal feelings... All this is my own thinking.. selfishness
28th May 2009
> lexis <
Sg. Congkak Trip 1
It's teacher day today =]
> lexis <
Hi school =)
Husband & Wife
I stayed in Teluk Intan for 1/2 a year when I was small.. Living with her family.. Which is my Mom's cousin's house.. =] Enic & I spent our 1st christmas there.. It's awesome.
We didn't meet up ever since we leave there.. So I'm going to meet my sister! SOON! and she's getting married so a shuai shuai ge ge.. xD
Flower girl? no la not me this time.. =] still young okayy.. lots of chance.. so to all sunbae~ faster get marry oh ^^
> lexis <
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Purple-tipped Fronds Of Lavender
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never suspect I love.''
Talk about my day.. started off great because I slept well that night. I went to school as I promised..I ate breakfast, I even brought a little snack back class.. I slag during BI lesson.. Everything was usual for me.. But I still feel that something is not right at first.
After school I hang around the back gate to get a cup of milk tea.. in the evening piano class was excellent. I almost blast the whole room down.. As I was emotional for the classical song I'm playing.. Beethoven & Clementi..
Music was my everything.. It's going to be a major thing in my life soon. It was too late to discover that music stands in such an important place in my heart. Once I dream to play in a famous orchestra was now fading further away from me as I don't give in all my effort and no commitment in it.. I felt guilty to my parents.. At this age, at this time, I can be at least a grade8 holder.. But what I am today is no victory gain in the challenge to a grade5 student.. Once a chance of getting a scholarship to London just slipped away from my hands at the age of 12th.. Used to be the top student of the school, as age grows in, taking actions too easily.. Thinking the world is to set by me.. Knowing that what she wants is what people must offer. All this foolish, immature thinking had spoilted me for 17 years. And it have to stop.
Feeling so guilty.. feeling so down.. what was I doing for the past 17years? When will I stand up to my self, to the world and start to think maturely.. And not behaving like a 6years old child anymore.. Pampered by foster parents and family friends... How would I reach my dreams? How am I suppose to stand? Just like falling down on the ice rink.
What I am doing now is leading me towards... darkness..? Where is my future? Because of my foolishness landing in classes without teacher most of the time.. It's all my fault that I've no choice but to choose this path.. Yet, I don't want to feel this insane feeling of guilty in me anymore.
Of course suiciding it's not a way to solve such problems.. It will cause even worse situation.. I understand all this. I'm not as dumb to end my life at this age. No matter how, even though some of you prefer me to be gone, I will not listen to a single word from ''you'', this my life. And in a life there is hates and likes.
> lexis <
I'll be fine, probably in the morning later. No worries
p/s : I hate people who treat others as fake friends.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Summer Air
A day at home.. Tuesday kills.... =.= I am suppose to be practising my violin now. Exam is on July.. the 9th. My god. I'm gonna be stress and fully busy till the end of SPM. Not that I'm fully packed with things to do and not have fun right.. I'll seek for fun half way thru. I shall not let my self die in the hand of the violin. I'll die with it if there is a need to. LoL.
Mom is cooking En's favourite dish.. I mean today's dinner is going to be on En's favourite dishes.. Hmmph. Prawns.. I hate you. xP and Mom found out that I don't eat much on the others dishes.. Hmmph.. Lao gai ady xP My face in front of MoM is as colourful as rainbow~ yeah.. I'm right.. =.=
Dinner~~~~~~ is prepared.. It's done at this timing.. chi sin lo... now not even 6pm then dinner is serve.. others day also same. and Mom always blame me and Marcus for hunting food about 10pm.. -.-
> lexis <
p/s : finding pleasure in the pressure of his hand
Monday, May 25, 2009
Beware The Poison Apple
this is at Kelana Jaya LRT Station