if you guys got watch Fang Yang De Xing Xing then you'll understand.
the bracelet is so cool XD

mii gosh..
i'm having flu..
somebody pass it to me.. Zzz
when the weather is not hot and not cold..
end up having flu thats bad..
very bad.. if i continue not taking any actions...
-- eemin is going to skip school.. soon..
just walk back home from Poh Pui's house..
wanna know more..? very emo de wor...
hmm.. i enjoy walking home alone.. while is drizzling and specially when i will pass by alot of trees.. =]
listen to slow songs.. walk slowly.. =]
i don't know how to describe but.. i just love the feeling
i got to study.. i must study.. i want to study..
someone new* in my life is going to get me a new phone..
IF i get good result in my final exam..
he says thats the only way to make me study.. by getting me something i like i will for sure fight for it. [true] or not he is going to give it to my Kenny kor kor.. and.. i will kill Kenny if he get it..
so.. if i get W980i then Kenny will get his PSP.. Zzz still not fair..
somebody is having bad connection
my besties chang shui mii.. i fan min with her.. for 7 minutes..
LoL so lame.. i almost burn her house..
i'm ''loving'' someone now.. ppl say you gotta love your enemy..
she is annoying.. but she loves me.. i don't know why..
girl tend to love me now.. mii goshh.. cause of my boyboy hair..
and i ter-let J-Yee saw my yeng photo in my phone.. and she loves me now.. haha
Zzz yea.. i'm attracting girls instead of guys now.. >.<>
it's fine.. girls likes to play.. when i also go crazy.. i bet you will feel like wacking me..
there is a list all my friend do.. so i also want to do XD
- PoH pUi [weny]
- XaNnE [roxanne]
- HwEi WeN [veron]
- AmElIa
- AuDrEy [liwen]
- ChEe sIeN [vallerie]
- WeI meNn [tracy]
- JeRyNn [mayqueen]
- MeLoDy [suying]
- Yi ChInG
- J-YeE
- SeE hUi
- ChOi YoNg
- Su Qi
- HuIlYn
- MiNg YeE
- ooHhaK
- KeAn JiN [ham]
- MaX
- CeD
- KeNnY kOr
- KaY JuN [sync]
- KiN hEi [justin]
- AnDrEw [kokwei]
- SeNg HaO
- ZhEnG rOnG [dan]
- EuGeNe [zhenyuen]
- AnDrEw [yunliang]
- ZoNg HeRnG
so this is the list i'm talking bout.. hax
it's a friendship list.. =] love you ALL
> lexis <
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