Friday, September 26, 2008

good-bad day

when we were skating.. there is one time i got very bored..
so Joon Sean stop a side with me to chit chat..
then Andrew came by and did alot of silly actions infront of us.. haha
it is funny i was playing with him that time..
then J.S talked to me so i stop next to him and chit chat again
don't know when on earth Andrew came infront of me and pull my jacket's zip. LoL
Well i was wearing a white jacket only. of course with under garments inside la deng
then i turn behind. J.S covered me and i zip it back up.
machowhai i was damn fucking angry that time! i chase him but obviously i didn't get him in hand la.
so i went out to the DJ's area there.
told Pp and Wen what happen. I don't know why.
obviously this thing is a very big deal to a girl. i don't know why on earth P and Wen is not having any shock reaction. i got more mad.
i tried to call someone..
i wanted to cry that time..
twice i remmebered. i called twice. he didn't answer
FINE then NVM. i msg-ed him.
[can't really blame him. but that time i really needed someone close to me. don't need to know what happen just talk to me.. then I'll be fine]
J.S wanted to cheer me up. but i was so pist off i scolded him instead.
then Andrew came in. i throwed my phone to P and went in skating again..
well i almost splam myphone on the wall behind where andrew sitting.
Lol.. yeah then i walked off back into skating.. haihz
maybe that time i was talking in short sentences.. very short sentences so you didn't get.. well whats the use if you do too? does anything change? Lol.
at least she does la.. she seem to be the only one.. understanding my every language? haha lol
yea so the dramatic thingy..
once we walk to the entrance of S.P there is one guy came out together with us then he talked to the security guard.. 2 secu was running into the mall.
so i went and buy the ticket for teksi.
then we saw more securities running out of the mall..
chasin some guy..
until oppesite of the road wei XD
[i didn't know what happen] then they chase till the mosque.. inside the mosque
so dramatic! there is some secu cross the high way just like that..
O.o there is secu on the motor was rushing to the opposite side of the road..
hahahax then look see look see.. i was the 1st person who stand at the road and watch them.. soon there is more ppl coming to be kpc.. XD
at last we saw there is some secu holding on to a man in black and red colour shirt
walking on the brigde to come back in S.P
wow so dramatic wei
I 1st time in my 16 years living saw a live scene like this hahaha
so Poh Pui and I guessed that the man snatch a pregnent lady's hand bag.. 2 young guy in early 20age helped her to get the secu..
so i think he is snatch thief!! XD
erm.. while we were waiting for cab and being a kpc..
there is a cute foreigner standing next to me. HAHAHA Lol!!!!
he is VERY seriously EXTREMELY cute!!! XD hahaha blek..
my lao poh.. fighting for the ping tong hu lou XD
her again.. we waited for the teksi so long.. and something very dramatic happened..
on the scene.. hahaha i'll tell later

p.t.h.l cost me RM3.80 + chocolate strawberry RM4.50 +
mineral water bottle RM1.50
total = RM9.80

the further i walk down the road.. the more snack i found XD
chocolate strawberry!! Mid Valley one nicer.. haha
ping tong hu lou XD i like it.. but it's honey is too sweet..
i gotta drink lots of water after eating it haha..
it was my dinner

yeah.. went skating.. i want to call you..
but.. pai sei and..

we were at here!!! Lol..
after basketball.. i went home..
came out again around 12pm..
to this place.. if you can guess.. =]
erm.. this is a rainbow.. i think
well ppl said it's a rainbow..
i think.. it might be the sun shining so brightly that it came out like that
Lol haha..
oh there she is.. haha
we played the swing.. Poh Pui were the highest.. she is daring..
anyway where is she???
it's 8am friday. shock to see me here?
basketballing with ppl + ppl + ppl..
thats Poh Pui & I..
why didn't we do the indian style dancing around the poll? or tree? XD
Mid Valley Hari Raya Decoration =] greeny green
gotta off com now.
> lexis <

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