guess which is mii XD
i look like that O.o
if you none stop blinking your eye
it will become more beautiful XD
end up
none stop laughing
just a little bit hahaha
down--> i am studying.. when SEJARAH is cracking the vains in my brain
i become like that --> up there XD
i become like that --> up there XD
blame history don't blame mii
studying history is useless then i jump to maths
maths jump to theory >.< color="#000099">d-o-z-e-d o-f-f XD
[i can't understand maths by learning it by myself leh]
don't blame me can ar.. blame more towards En.Apple laaa T.T
he is the angel of 4M
oh! i went Ou in d evening..
maths jump to theory >.< color="#000099">d-o-z-e-d o-f-f XD
[i can't understand maths by learning it by myself leh]
don't blame me can ar.. blame more towards En.Apple laaa T.T
he is the angel of 4M
for my kiddies graduation
Little Mozart Level 1 Graduation Day
funny thing is when my mom start her car..
drove out my house went down the road..
the car d-i-e-d
the battery was thirsty
because it is raining so we didn't add water..
push d car to a side parking then we went to Amy's house
since she is the MC of the occasion..
so we all sat her car to Ou..
these are the goodies bag for the kids
i though it will be at the concourse stage
tim zi =.=
it's just outside the music school.. Zzz
the stage is small..
it gotta fit 1 digital piano and 2 keyboards
when the kids are performing on keyboards i so scared if they fall >.<
but luckily nothing nothing.. everything went smoothly..
-->so this is our Toastmaster - Amy Choo
you wanna know what time i slept yesterday night?
the last time i saw the clock it was 6:10AM . . .
c-r-a-z-y no wonder my tummy fan min
anyway was online blogging..
watching the new taiwan drama
Bu Liang Xiao Hua - Miss No Good
oh mii gosh..
Rainie Yang is the main actress..
in the 1st episode.. i got freak out but her..
damn farnny and damn moliu
i wonder how Wilber Pan act with her..
craps specially her voice gosh.. like barbie doll only wei
hahaha even my brother can't stand her voice XD and........
her hair
i was actually having fun kek sei-ing you yesterday morning XD
so sad right i got your blog you don't have mine.. hahaha xp
seriously i think you better not know whats my blog..
because -->
it's emo
lots of crapsx
somethings bout you..
most of things are about you
yeah thesesome sort of thing i call it reason.. or.. excuses?
i wonder.. if you read all my latest blog..
i surely gg ady
i'm so going to dig a deep hole and hide inside ><
i don't know what to say nor do..
so i'll let you find it your self.. xp ha-ha-ha
cruel to be cruel XD
oh ya talking about Toastmaster..
Amy called me to join her too..
i think its a good chance to learn something very new to me..
she describe about how they have their activities before
and i found it quite interesting..
so i plan to go with her after my finals.. which is like..
mid Nov.. so sad.. i hope i don't need to wait till next year..
and to those friends of mine who is reading this post now..
if you're interested in this.. come find mii..
because.. i'm scared to go alone haha
heard that it's not easy tau ><
and talk about Little Mozart
i wanna take up the course.. soon they will have one
learn what is it about haha because i like the songs XD
then when i'm pro enought to teach then i will teach
then got income.. then got money then got ka-chingssxxzzz XDD
HAHAHA crazy money ><
so also after final exam i'm going to take up alot of
--> part time job
--> little mozart course
--> toastmaster
--> small expedisi to Pahang
--> 3 days 2 night in Singapore...
wwuuuaaahhhh so muchy haha
oh ya! Pahang!!!!!
totally forgotten craps...
Kembara Club going to organise a small expedition to --
Pahang then down to Johor then back to K.L
[anyone interested?]
anyway ya 8 days 7 night
around RM300-RM400
Dec 10 till DEC18th.
becuzz not much people wanna go big expedition Sabah&Sarawak this year
so Woon came out with this plan.. so we form4 are incharge
p-r-e-s-s-u-r-e- only ar... Zzz
ya so i hope i'm going becuzz i love going outdoor
but not really into camping anymore.
Next year going Pulau Kapas again Cotton Island
i hope i can go cuz this year i didn't get to play water activities ><
yeah so like that la..
goodnight people and ......
> lexis <
PS : i'm a copy cat XD catch me if you can
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