you can always put a wide smile on my face.. =]
am i too easy to cheer or..
you just have the magics to brighten up my mood?
i just found out something.
something not good..
something bad..
haihz. ><>
but.. i hope you know what i felt...
i also don't wish that you know what i felt..
it's just there..
i don't know..
i'm scared to loose you
when you saw you're abnormal..
i'm afraid what if i loose you..?
if you want to.. i will let go . . =]
i've got 4 wife!! XD 1 official 3 engage.. and 2 more girlfriend[pak to-ing]
wuahahaha~ one of them say lack of a husband.. Zzz lmao
something very funny happen today in class
JoNaThAn asked a w-e-i-r-d question
my gang of girls are surrounding Poh Pui and my table during 1st period..
we were chatting happily and crappily until JoN came to have love caunselling XD LoL
he asked.. -->if a i am chasing a girl, the girl told her friend that i'm very fan
then what should i do?
i told him -->you no hope ady
Poh Pui say --> *showing - the woi!! face*
maybe you should stop chasing her that much.. give her some space..
Mii *showing - what? truth ma..?*
then JoN answered --> but i did give her space.. i didn't really talk to her ady.
Mii & P --> oh then don't know lo.. can't help sorry
*Miss Maizatul calling us to go science lab*
mii--> oooh san wui loo XD
*all girl stand up*
JoN asked suddently -->
Ee Min i ask you all la *but looking only at me*
if you like a guy very very much and you want him so badly.. but he doesn't react
what will you do?! *still looking at me*
i stare at him. Poh Pui LOOK at me. all my girl girl was staring at me.
then Angie broke my stuning and say-->i will go crazy
then Poh Pui look at me and scold JoN
--> you don't ask this 2 sot poh la okay?!
want to ask also don't ask this kind of question..
didn't let eemin kill you before ar. [in cantonnese]
and then i start to laugh.. Wen + Sien + Menn was smiling at me
he was like --> huh? oh wrong question ar? sorry ar..
but really i wanna know la..
Zzz haihz Jonathan.. you slowly figure out la... haha
then we went science lab.. XD
watch WALL-E my fav. movie now XD
hahaha i was the only one laughing at the movie you know.. hahaha
Poh Pui scold me call me to be quite.. because she doing homework >.<
people pan guai lui XD Jia Eu say is a lame show
hmmph it's not! blek!! it's a cute cute movie haahaahaa
once it start i didn't know it was WALL-E till i saw E-v-e-a XD hahaha
then i was pulling Pp's shirt and say e-v-a? e-v-e-a? v-a-e-e? w-a-l-l-e??
E-V-A!!! she seriously want to kill me that time
my gosh luckily i still have my head on XD
yea so i just wanna tell your'll i have fun during school time todayy =]
ha~ ha~ zzZzz I'm sleepy ady
> lexis <
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